George Clooney is actually an asshole in real life


Are you a George Clooney fan ? Yes ?

Then you should get away right now.

No ?

Ok. Then let’s do this.

I stumbled upon an interesting Quora topic, that has had more than 420k views now.

The question’s asked was “Who is the fakest celebrity, according to you ?”

As you are about to see, the answer was… quite instructive :

“In the only case where I actually have close to first-hand experience with a “fake” celebrity, my vote goes to actor George Clooney.

His image is that of a really friendly, “good” guy. He supports the right positions, is famously generous with his friends, and cultivates the image of a guy you’d strike up a fun, casual conversation with over drinks at a bar.
My sister, when in school, worked as a server at Planet Hollywood in San Francisco (it has been closed for many years now). From time to time, there would be events with celebrities, and one summer, Clooney was at the restaurant for a meet and greet with fans.

Prior to his arrival, there was a long, long list of demands from Clooney, from specific brands of snacks to a certain type of water that had to be in his prep room. When Clooney arrived, the exact label of water was not available, and he threw a temper tantrum. He was appallingly rude to the staff and refused to do a thing until someone (my sister in this case who was low on the totem pole), went around the city looking for precisely the bottled water Clooney demanded.
Far from being a ‘nice’ guy, he treated the staff with barely concealed contempt.
When he had his snacks and his luxury bottled water, and was made up, the doors opened and he was right back in character for the fans. Smiling in a phony way and acting like the character you see on television.


The reason I nominated George Clooney is that, rather than having his agent or handler or whomever to go to the manager and ask where they were, he acted like a complete and total condescending ass to the wait staff assigned to him.

My sister - like the two other girls - was in her early 20s, working for very low pay as a server in Planet Hollywood. George Clooney was a wealthy, powerful star. He projects an image of being a swell guy, well-liked and friendly. He behaved terribly.

As I said to another commenter, when I was young, my father indicated to me was that one measure of a person is how he behaves towards someone weaker than he is, who is not in any position to do something to help you. Maybe it’s the baggage handler at the airport, or the toilet attendant. Maybe it’s desk guy in the office you work in.
George Clooney was tested that day as to the sort of man he really is, and he failed.

Ethics is how you act when no-one is looking."

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