How do you see homeless people?

Homeless people are always treated like they don't exist or don't have rights at all. Every day I am always grateful for what I have and I appreciate my upbringing in general. I am upset mostly with the realities of our everyday life where we as people have failed each other.

I have been going from place to place and daily I come across a lot of homeless people and this breaks my heart especially the way we have viewed these people as objects instead of people. We are quick to demoralise them whenever they are trying by all means to change their situation. The challenge is often bigger than being homeless, society has made the challenge much more difficult because of the way we stereotype everything. We have labels for homeless people as if they are not human at all like they are not some parent's child struggling. I have so much respect for homeless people and I always find it difficult having to eat sometimes, because it is difficult to enjoy my meal while someone is hungry and needs it more than me. I have always said to myself no matter what I will not allow myself to fail homeless people in my life, whatever little that I have I will always give and I don't seek any rewards nor credit at all.

Lately, most people who do donate to homeless people always use it as leverage against someone else to feel good about themselves. We live in a generation where we must take videos and show the world things that we should be doing off camera straight from our hearts and not from a reputation or popularity point of view. We have become selfish in a sense that we have lost our humanity at the rate we assume how bad these people who are trying to survive day to day. Most people refer to them as criminals or people who have diseases that anyone can get from anywhere because there is no category who gets ill or infected. All I know is they could be disease free and homeless most importantly 100% healthy too, but life struck them hard to put them where they are. I know there are some bad homeless people who will always resort to crime and refuse to seek help even when help is offered, but I refuse to give up on them over a few people.


I have always wanted to cook them a feel good meal, something I would also appreciate. People often donate or buy something they wouldn't eat themselves. Remember these people are still human and they deserve to be treated like you and I they are not any different. I often said to myself if I do reach my goal of making enough money I will give them a feel good meal that is cooked with love. My goal is to see smiles on their faces and to see that there are people who actually care about them. It is a priority to achieve this goal, I want to show people something different instead of having to boast or feel invincible about something I should have been doing for a while without looking for "fame" like most YouTubers that do fake videos in the name of making money instead of making a difference. I don't support people who make a mockery out of homeless people at all, because mostly its people who don't know what its like going to bed hungry and waking up in the morning while its freezing cold with nothing but a box to make you feel warm.

Good people, I urge you to lead by example and start making a difference. Homeless people don't want your sympathy but love them like your brothers and sisters. We are one at the end of the day and we are all going six feet under. We will leave everything we have in this life behind so I urge everyone to make a difference even the smallest thing can be a blessing to someone else. You don't have to go big when you don't have none, but you can keep it simple and it will definitely make a difference.

I love you and thank you for taking the time to read this. I do appreciate it.

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