What's difference Akropolis and Pension Funds?

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Hello everyone, this topic talk about company Akropolis base on platform blockchain techonology with aims to be create the largest alternative pensions infrastructure in the world and a safer financial future for humanity, built by and for the people.
Akropolis has realized the world’s pensions are in turmoil so the company are helping to rid the world of flaws in pension funds with a new immutable and transparent Smart Contract-Based Pension Infrastructure.
Next, i'm will talk about what's Akropolis? and Global Pension Funds
Why should the company come into existence and bring benefit to society?

What's Akropolis?

Akropolis is a Company technology platform designed to address deep-seated structural issues of the global pensions sector. It is designed to be a multi-jurisdictional platform for the delivery of pensions, social welfare and future benefits in a portable manner, that over time brings together individual end users and large institutional players in a new system of incentives.
It is designed to be a multi-jurisdictional platform for the delivery of pensions, social welfare and future benefits in a portable manner, that over time brings together individual end users and large institutional players in a new system of incentives.
The ultimate aspiration of Akropolis is to develop a de-centralised pension platform (or more abstractly, protocol)that spans a variety of blockchains and delivers trustless retirement savings products. The goal is to leverage recenttechnological developments and offer transparent, account-able, and portable pension services for the modern worker.Due to the infancy of the technologies surrounding decentralised systems,4this goal will necessarily be attained inprogressive stages, paralleling technological advancementsin the space.
Final, Akropolis is not a pension fund. Akropolis is a technology company dedicated to the delivery of the sector-specific protocol.

Summary Akropolis

What does Akropolis stand for?

The greek word ‘acropolis’ refers to the “upper city”, the first known human urban fortification, first established in what is now modern day Syria, followed by Ancient Greece and Rome. It is the defensive core of the city, a city within a city.
We chose to go with the Greek spelling. True to its name, Akropolis’ mission is to address the individual users’ needs - which are not addressed in the current pensions system with its misaligned incentives. We aim to re-dress them to incentivise distribution of the benefits of technology to the end users.

Akropolis Tokens

Akropolis tokens are have two tokens.It's the Akropolis external Token and the **Akropolis Internal **Token. The former primarilyfacilitates functions of external users participating with the system, whereas the latter abstractly represents a stable coin and accounting mechanism to track and record capital flow internally within the system.

Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 AKT = 0.0690 USD
Fundraising Goal: 25,000,000 USD
Total Tokens: 900,000,000
Hard Cap: $25,000,000
Maximum token amount for sale: 360,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 40%


Incentive Structures

A core economic principle of the Akropolis platform is to better align the incentives of all actors within the current pension system. Specifically, Akropolis attempts to converge on the idyllic case that fund managers act reputably and reliably on behalf of investors while receiving transparent and reasonable fee for their service.

Global Pension Funds

A pension fund, also known as a superannuation fund in some countries, is any plan, fund, or scheme which provides retirement income.
Pension funds in 2005
Pension funds typically have large amounts of money to invest and are the major investors in listed and private companies. They are especially important to the stock market where large institutional investors dominate. The largest 300 pension funds collectively hold about $6 trillion in assets.[1] In January 2008, The Economist reported that Morgan Stanley estimates that pension funds worldwide hold over US$20 trillion in assets, the largest for any category of investor ahead of mutual funds, insurance companies, currency reserves, sovereign wealth funds, hedge funds, or private equity.[2]
The Federal Old-age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is the world's largest public pension fund which oversees $2.743 trillion USD in assets.[3]
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pension_fund

Why should the company come into existence and bring benefit to society?

The current pensions system is based on outdated assumptions, is rife with conflicts of interest and lacks transparency and accountability. We are addressing that by designing from the ground-up solution that meets peoples’ needs.
The two aspects necessarily have to be brought together in a coherent protocol in order to create a future-proof solution that takes into account how we live, work and consume.
=> The solution to the problem of society
Addition, Akropolis bring to benefit for User,Pension Fund,Fund Manager ,User Motivations and for the rest of the whole society

User Motivations: From the perspective of individual users/workers, the motivation for Akropolis follows from three key observations:

•Pension Funds around the globe are undercapitalised relative to their liabilities
•To avoid further amplifying the discrepancy between assets held and liabilities, state with many project help funding retirement expenses onto the individual
•Changes in workplaces and working conditions

User: The blockchain based Akropolis platform will offer individual users the following improvements relative to existing pension systems

Pension Fund:

•Easy verification of document authenticity by counter parties.
•Able to engage multiple prevetted Fund Manager, with full regulatory compliance, from a single platform
•Simplified internal administration and reducedreporting overheads
•Reduces costs of compliance reporting and the need for external audit trails

Fund Manager:

Joining the platform requires a single onboarding event.
Access to many clients.
Good actors will have a source of truth to verify their good behave our and the quality and reliability of products they supply.

If you are interested in this company, you can read more information at below links
Website: https://akropolis.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akropolisio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akropolisio/
Medium: https://medium.com/akropolis
Telegram: https://t.me/akropolis_official
Whitepaper: https://view.attach.io/HJQ3yvpcM?viewer=new
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