Benefits of Journaling

Journaling is one of the healthiest activity which brings you closer to yourself. In the world of computers and technology, it seems relaxing to write a few words about yourself in your spare time. Journaling is an art of writing about yourself and is a true reflection of an artistic mind. Following are the benefits of keeping journaling as a hobby:

Enhances Your IQ
Journaling is actually your explorations towards a certain language. The more you write about something, the more you start to get to know about that language. You are writing in the same language on daily basis, it means that you are making yourself well-aware of a specific language. You will observe a significant increase in your vocabulary which ultimately enhances your IQ level.

Creates Happiness
Creating a new piece of writing about yourself relaxes your mind and makes you happy. Using Parker, Lamy and waterman pens for writing purpose give you a pleasure and brings close to your tradition and culture.

Helps in Achieving Goals
As you are writing about yourself everyday so, it is impossible to forget about your goals and dreams. It reminds you of your basic aim of your life which is a step forward towards achieving your ambitions.

Boosts-Up Your memory
Journaling makes you remember things for a long time. As you have written almost everything in your dairy so, you begin to revise you of things as you start to read it again. Reading your old pages makes you a good reader and you start to realize the efforts you have made in your life. It is excellent way of going back in older times.

Strengthens Your Self-Discipline
Writing on daily basis doesn't let you make the same mistakes again. You make mistake and you start to avoid them as you have written. For example, you lend your Sheafffer Pens to your friend and he lost it. As you have written it so, you will never lend your precious pen to anyone. Writing makes you self-aware and creates a good spirit of discipline.

Improves Your communication Skills
Writing is actually a great source of communication. Written communication is a great way to deliver something. As you are writing so, it is easier for you to write about something and make it understandable for those who read it.

Brings Self-Confidence
Confidence is the key to success. Being able to write something about yourself is actually knowing better about your qualities and flaws. You start to overcome your mistakes and flaws which helps you making a better person. It makes you confident about yourself and makes you a better and a successful person.

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