Riview of Learning Science Reference

A. Science learning in elementary school

Science is a science that examines the symptoms in the universe, including on this earth, so that concepts and principles are formed (Maslikah & Susapti, 2009: 04), while according to Garnida (2002: 253) the definition of Natural Science is the result of activities human beings in the form of knowledge, ideas and concepts that are organized about the natural environment, are obtained from experience through a series of scientific processes including investigation, compilation, and testing of ideas.

Based on the above understanding, the authors conclude that the notion of IPA is a science that studies the surrounding nature and its contents through the process of investigation, compilation, and testing of ideas.
According to Garnida (2002: 253-254), the functions of science subjects are as follows:

  1. Providing knowledge about various types and characteristics of natural and artificial environments.
  2. Develop process skills.
  3. Develop insight, attitude and value
  4. Develop awareness about the relationship between the progress of science and technology with the environment and its use.
  5. Develop the ability to apply science and technology and the skills to continue their education to a higher level of education.

Based on the above, it is the duty of the teacher or educator to develop and realize these functions in the real life of the students. This shows that science learning needs to prioritize the role of students in teaching and learning activities so that the learning that occurs is student-centered learning and the teacher as a facilitator. The teacher is obliged to improve the student's learning experience to achieve the goals of science learning. This goal is inseparable from the nature of science as a product, process and scientific attitude.

Source: http://fima-payabakong.blogspot.com/2014/03/foto-ini-dia-lokasi-wisata-paya-bakong.html

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