The Miravalle line of Spanish nobility began with Aztec Ruler Moctezuma's daughter. The Duke of Moctezuma de Tultengo exists to this day.

Following the conquest of the Aztec empire by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez, the daughter of the fallen Aztec leader Moctezuma was recognized by the Spanish as a noble women.  Her Aztec name was  Tecuichpotzin.  She converted to Catholicism and adopted the name Isabela.  Cortez fathered a child with her.  She was then married to one of Cortez's colleagues.  Her descendants make up the Miravalle line of Spanish nobility.  The family's royal crest displays a jaguar and eagle as tribute to their Central American roots.  Dona Isabela was a fascinating woman that successfully straddled the destruction of one empire and the creation of another.  

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