Corey Feldman from "Goonies" and "Stand By Me" Speaks Out, And It's Important!

He wants to bring a light on the entertainment industry for their sexual perversion and crimes in pedophelia, and what he is saying and other is that when someone comes out to tell the truth, they are arrested and treated like shit by the police and the system, making it hard for them to have any credibility what-so-ever.

This is what the world is coming to in my mind.  It's a place where the desperation gets larger and larger, and people are becoming less likely to speak out because of the fear they have on telling the truth about something, or coming forward about something that they want to get off their chests.  But, people are people, and people want to expose others for their wrongdoing in America and all over the world.  I think that people should give people like Corey Feldman a chance to speak to them, and to help these people spread the word about the kind of behaviors that are suffocating America, and Americans lives into a Satanic agenda, and into the abyss of the hurt and pain that it causes people, especially kids.  

If America is supposed to be so great, and such a great place to be, then why are we as people putting up witht he whores that are running things, when all they are doing is hurting a lot of good people and helping the people to do the most hurt in this country go free.  The people that are performing the most hurt, get the most reward and the people that do the most speaking out and trying to get people to listen - you know - those with the best hearts, get stomped on.  But, why is that?  IS no one really making life matter to them anymore, enough to want to be a part of something that flames a movement for a better place to live?  Are we really living in a time of desperation so much, that people have swayed themselves to the sick and sad behaviors of these elites and thinking that they want to get a break, or a pass INTO this kind of place?  And, what about our kids?  What about your children, my children and the unborn?  Do we just not think to give a shit about what kind of America is growing up around us?  I'm horrified that people aren't going to speak out, and not loud enough where people will listen to their tragic stories.  I'm horrified that America is a whore and that's all the she'll ever be.  I want America to stop being a whore, and to start acting like a land of a free people, and independent thinkers.  People that aren't swayed by government and the agendas of hurting those who are trying to do the most right in the world.  I want these people who want to change the world to be able to.  I want to stop listening to the agenda of the evil that is in our world and start to share the world with the good that life was supposed to be offering me, and all these other people standing without liberty, and for so long.  For so long, that they don't think they are going to get any.  They suffer, and they deal with it, as though liberty can't come until they die.  And, that's sad.  That's a sad fucking America!  Pardon my french!  I'm just really passionate about this and people need to start waking up already.  There is some horrible things that come from the elites getting away with what they are doing, including destroying our trust, they hurt the very fabric of a nation and our souls and beings.

I for one will NEVER be SOLD OUT by this Nation of SHEEP!  Calling them Sheep is giving too much!  Sheep have spines.  People - DON'T!~

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