#pedogate arrests update list

42 in Tennessee Jan 27

474 in California Jan 29

5 in Pennsylvania Jan 29

42 in Florida Feb 1

9 in Nebraska Feb 3

108 in Illinois Feb 5

178 in Texas Feb 5

22 in Michigan Feb 13

11 in Virginia Feb 15

10 in California March 7

9 in North Dakota March 10

According to the FBI, in 2014, there were 952 total arrests, 837 of which were adult offenders and in 2015 there were 750 total arrests, 664 of which were adult offenders. (2016 not yet released)

Net total of arrests for both 2014 and 2015 combined, were 1702, total adult arrests, 1501.As of the first 3 months of 2017, there have been a total of 910 adult arrests.

Mid level Arrests

-Jeffrey Claude Bartleson, John McCain’s Presidential Campaign Manager in Colorado was arrested twice- for molesting young boys at the time he was manager and on a separate count later, on the heels of a questionable donation from Saudi Arabia to the McCain Institute, which among other things, works with child trafficking . Jan 9 and Feb 5

-Jeff Sandusky, son of convicted pedophile Jerry Sandusky, the now-infamous assistant-football coach at Penn State. Jerry Sandusky, was accused of being involved in an organized criminal pedophile ring. He founded Second Mile Foundation for Children, which is how he gained access to vulnerable, at-risk kids. People may recall, Hillary Clinton’s father and brother both attended Penn State and she spoke about it at the time. Bill Clinton’s Special White House Counsel, Lanny Davis was brought onboard to manage the scandal. Feb 13

-European Adoption Consultants, adoption agency. The report focusses on charges of bribery, but the page of "and other charges" includes 22 CFR 96.44(a) & 96.46(a) “… they did not engage in practices consistent with the principles of furthering the best interests of the child and preventing the sale, abduction, exploitation, or trafficking of children”. This is a fall from grace for European Adoption Consultants, which was listed on the State Department’s website as an approved Adoption Service Provider for Haiti, when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Child trafficking through adoption and child rescue/disaster rescue, is a growing concern made clear in the Harvard Human Rights Journal written about convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby and the case of New Life Children’s Refuge. Her lawyer in Haiti, Jorge Torres Puello, was himself charged with child trafficking in El Salvador. People may recall Bill Clinton brokering Silsby’s release from jail in Haiti at the time. Incidentally, Laura Silsby is now Laura Galyer and is currently the Vice President of Marketing at a company called Alert Sense, which manages the technology used for Amber Alerts (child abduction), The Emergency Alert System, and FEMA Disaster Management Alerting System. Feb 15

-Christopher Rennie Glenn is a former government contractor currently serving 10 years in federal prison after pleading guilty in 2015 to stealing military plans and intelligence reports from the U.S. Department of Defense. He was convicted of multiple counts of sex trafficking and child exploitation while working for the government. March 8

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