UK Police announce there are so many pedophiles they will stop arresting them

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I would say Unbelievable, sadly this attempt to Normalize child predators has been going on for decades. In the 60's - 70's a group called PIE, which stands for Pedophile Information Exchange would pass out their pamphlets on the streets of the UK and had people in their organization world wide. They even talked progressive women into passing out their materials for them. Progressives once again tricked women into casting off their God given instincts, their intuition to Protect children rather than allow them to be preyed up. How subtle and manipulative is that?

Notice how they have people giving talks to defend them. PIE had even females passing out their materials for their organization in which the leader told the interviewer on a 60 minutes segment in Australia how he would negotiate sex with a 4 year old. I was appalled, yet very little acknowledgement except among Guardians of Children.

Thank you to all who do their best to pray against this Very evil the progressive radicals have demonstrated time after time they seek to (see evidence below with links)

  • defend it

  • get the age of consent down as Ruth Bader Ginsburg demonstrated she wanted it lowered to 12 years old.
    Then they come up with a way to make it look like they are protecting children. . .they're Not! It is the Pedophiles they seek to actively protect.

  • Find ways to sneak it in under other agendas like drag queen story hour where it was found some of the drag queens allowed in the libraries to interact with children were pedophiles which was not revealed to parents. These agenda pushers sought to berate parents when they found out how deceptive the drag queen story hour program was.

  • Many progressives allow programs like NAMBLA which by it's very name and the verified published materials read like PIE. They publish their own (what are intended to be erotic) stories of men with boys.

  • They put an article in the New York Times in 2014 showing Exactly what they are doing with a title. . .Pedophilia Not a Crime, but a disorder. Hoping to gain sympathizers and give pedophiles a way to escape the laws in place to protect children. Yet another excuse, justification of the progressive radical's No Boundaries agenda.

  • Many Progressives in places of leadership, power, prestige and reach push an agenda of encouraging children to transgender rather than having a boundary of that needing to be an Adult choice. I believe in freedom for adults, children need to be protected and adult ideas and situations Not pushed on children.
    NAMBLA stands for North American Man Boy Love Association.
    Heart Progress is an organization which supports acceptance of pedophiles.

  • Attempts to make pedophiles a protected class within society and tack on a P to the LGBTQ movement which stands for pedosexual or they refer to themselves as MP for minor attracted persons.

  • See evidence of a TedTalk done in an attempt to get people to sympathize with pedophiles. Yet another instance where radical progressives choose the perpetrator Over the victim.

Why would I bother to talk of such things where we have been told to be Quiet. Remember all the Hollywood celebrities, entertainers and politicians who have photos taken with their finger over their mouths. It is their symbol of what is to be kept secret.

Children can give consent for sexual relationship at age of 4 according to PIE. REALLY?

Rhuan 9, was stabbed to death by his mother CPS states the boy was given a sex change by her and partner under no medical. He is now dead though the father tried to stop them.

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Convicted Pedophile read for Drag Queen Story hour in Houston Texas. Assaulted an 8 year old boy. When Parents asked for information about the drag queens library Refused!

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Clip found in this link,

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According to Halsey News,

Heart Progress believes children of any age may be mature enough to enter in to a loving sexual relationship with an adult. Throughout their interviews and other media they mainly refer to young boys versus young girls, however their overall goal is to gain acceptance of pedophilia within the mainstream community and gain people behind their cause, making it the new cause for sexual liberation. In my estimation, this will never happen. Those in the LGBT community, excuse my bluntness, but do not want them, do not support them and think they can go to hell. They are not part of our community, nor will they ever be. No true movement will stand behind the sickness of any person who believes in having sex or sexual contact of any type between a child and an adult. This is not a fight to be fought, nor should we give them any credence. This is a targeted attack on children and the LGBT communities with an attempt to legitimize, normalize, and legalize pedophilia while also attaching itself to the goals of the LGBT movement. We reject Heart Progresss and any movement similar to it.

Whilst looking in to Heart Progress we also came across an online magazine publication called Ethos, which celebrates boylove. As with Heart Progress, Ethos is equally repulsive. The magazine uses pictures of young boys on their covers and within their magazine attached to articles such as “The History of Pederasty.” This magazine makes it clear just how far down this rabbit hole goes and how a sub-culture in pedophilia is slowly bubbling to the surface unafraid during this time of liberation. Unfortunately, they are feeling emboldened to come out and push for acceptance of pedophilia. Do not be fooled by Heart Progress’s new catchy name or rainbow heart logos. This is a new face on the same sketchy person in the shadows no matter what their leaders claim.

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Please continue to pray daily against this evil where they go directly after children. #GuardiansOfChildren, #SaveOurChildren, #Pedogate

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