The story of Haleigh Cummings and what Timothy Holmseth encountered as an investigative journalist Clip of interview

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I decided to use the notes I have stored on this case for well over a year now on Timothy Holmseth's story.

A true stalwart and Guardian of Children. Thankful men like this exist to take a Stand against the evil that threatens the most vulnerable of our population.

To find a clip of his interview in which Shari Beall from her radio show called A Right to Know does an outstanding job of interviewing him go to the bottom of this article.

The following article attempts to tell his story, gives his letter to Jeff Sessions warning Trump of Mike Pence and Pam Bondi and information regarding the story he was investigating on Haleigh Cummings. He also touches on the Caylee Anthony case.

You will also find at the bottom a connecting article which goes over the crimes and schemes of the Law firm he speaks about.

I have taken notes from the interview and included them for skimming or reading.

Holmseth is an investigative journalist. Former newspaper reporter, magazine writer, author, publisher and song writer.

Deemed a credible witness by Minneapolis in a national profile child kidnapping case.

He has put his life on the line and continues to do so to spare these little ones.

Timothy Holmseth's story,

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit #17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.773.1299 (land)
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: MEMO / Transnational Child Sex Trafficking / Mike Pence / Pam Bondi

December 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions
U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Attorney General Sessions,

I am contacting you regarding information that pertains to matters of National Security; public safety; and through its nature may reveal a threat to President Donald Trump.

This information should be of interest to your office in light of President Trump’s Executive Order filed under ‘National Security and Defense’ on February 9, 2017 - ‘Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.’

The information I possess and present herein is in regards to (but not limited to) Vice President Michael Pence and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

I’ll explain.

I began assisting the FBI in the summer of 2009 with information I obtained as a journalist regarding a child kidnapping that occurred in Florida. Records and secret emails that were hidden by corrupt police in Minnesota (but later surfaced) show the FBI was using my information in July, 2009. I was formally interviewed by Special Agent A.J. Eilermann, Minneapolis FBI in February, 2010.

I relayed information to the FBI regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings, 5, who was reported missing from her Florida home on February 10, 2009. I also possessed information regarding the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony (Casey Anthony trial) which was directly related to the Cummings case.

Following my FBI interviews in 2010, I continued to be contacted and receive documents from key figures in the aforementioned cases. The key figures were connected via emails, statements, and other evidence, to former Fort Lauderdale attorney Scott W. Rothstein who pled guilty to federal crimes after a RICO investigation revealed he ran the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the state of Florida. The Ponzi scheme involved convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein, of course, facilitated flights for elites to his notorious ‘Pedophile Island’.

The information I obtained also involved former Florida Governor Charlie Crist and a biofuel scheme regarding Alternative Biofuel Technologies (ABT) he was running with Attorney Scott Rothstein, Fort Lauderdale Attorney * * * * * * * * * * , her convicted felon husband Michael * * * * * , and investors.

During recorded interviews, Wayanne Kruger, the protégé and professional associate of Attorney Gloria Allred, provided me very specific details of an international baby sales and child sex trafficking operation that was being operated by * * * * * and Michael * * * * * , with the assistance of John Regan, a fake pastor that identified himself as FBI and CIA. The child trafficking operation involved Florida Department of Children and Families, and moved children in and out of the United State through U.S. Embassies using fake church dossiers and medical records.

Beginning in 2009, and throughout the years following, I reported information regarding evidence of transnational criminal organizations and child sex trafficking to the office of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, as well as the FBI under Robert S. Mueller III, and James B. Comey.

Eric Holder, James Comey, and Robert Mueller took absolutely no action regarding the information I provided.

Rather, the targeting of me and my family that began as soon as I assisted the FBI in 2009, intensified, to the degree of fraudulently obtained ‘domestic violence’ court orders being placed against me (on behalf of Florida attorney * * * * * * * * * * who I never personally met – only interviewed) and my publication through a Florida court to retroactively force-remove content and evidence I obtained and published about child sex trafficking. I have received threats of death, mutilation, sex assault, non-stop stalking and harassment, and threats to kidnap my grandchild.

Secret emails revealed the trafficking operation was receiving assistance from CNN journalist Art Harris who was conspiring through back door communications with law enforcement and operatives in multiple states.

On December 13, 2017 Minnesota Assistant Chief Judge Tamara Yon, 9th Minnesota District, GRANTED my MOTION TO VACATE, which I filed on July 24, 2017 under Court File Number 60-FA-13-468 after presenting the court with new evidence that was not available at the time of trial.

The timeline of events that led up to the 2017 ruling reveal a shadow government operation that targets witnesses and whistleblowers through a variety of means including corruption in the judicial community.

After my book about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case was released in 2011, the Minnesota Family Court was improperly utilized to terrorize me and my children via false claims regarding my young son in what was essentially a ‘best interest of the child’ extortion scheme intended to discredit me and coerce me into silence about information I obtained regarding child trafficking.

In 2013, the Minnesota court accepted and relied upon testimony from a shadow government operative employed by State of Minnesota, Guardian ad Litem Matthew Petrovich, who admitted he had been communicating with * * * * * * * * * * . The court ordered me to not say the name “* * * * * * * * * * ” or “HaLeigh Cummings” in the presence of my child. I was then required to see my son under supervision for approximately a year although no service provider, doctor, therapist, social worker, teacher, or any other licensed professional, ever documented a single concern about me, recorded, or even mentioned my son talking about “HaLeigh Cummings” or “* * * * * * * * * * ”.

The basis for the supervision was, essentially, my investigative journalism was upsetting somebody (i.e. child traffickers), and those persons were not going to stop pursuing me until I stopped covering the story.

In 2017, I was able to expose the entire operation.

I’ll explain.

My 218 page MOTION TO VACATE and AFFIDAVIT with EXHIBITS was not filed until July 24, 2017 because evidence I acquired as a journalist regarding CIA/FBI international child trafficking, child pornography, and fake adoptions had been effectively destroyed by the East Grand Forks Police Department and Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force after they violently raided my home-office wearing bullet proof vests whereupon they seized my computer and disabled the hard drive that contained evidence.

I was eventually able to resurrect the information regarding the CIA/FBI trafficking and fake adoptions using back-ups I located, and an old computer tower that my parents gave me (the police broke mine). I then spent hours and hours searching for the critical evidence because the back-ups were not catalogued.

The Introduction of my July 24, 2017 MOTION reads:

PETITIONER brings this MOTION TO VACATE because NEW EVIDENCE that was not available at the time of trial shows adverse parties within Minnesota law enforcement and the larger interstate judicial community, criminally and civilly conspired with agents of a private corporation that received support from the U.S. Military to strategically create life-threatening conflict in the life of Parties’ minor child * * * * * U. Holmseth; conflict that would be used to justify court actions against Plaintiff’s constitutional rights for the illegal purpose of protecting a criminal enterprise of child sex trafficking and child pornography.

The 218 page MOTION and AFFIDAVIT with EXHIBITS that I filed on July 24, 2017 detailed the organized criminal activities of a child trafficking apparatus that identified itself to me as “The Deep State” during threatening voice changer calls warning I remove all of my websites from the Web. The callers would unabashedly use the telephone numbers of high profile government leaders and organizations including (but not limited to) Trump Organization, Mar-A-Lago Resort, Doral Resort, Clinton Global, Turner Enterprises, Republican National Committee, State of New Jersey, State of Florida, and most recently The White House. In one of the many voice-changer calls I was warned to never again publish the names “Pam Bondi” or “Marco Rubio”.

I submitted to the Minnesota court irrefutable exhibits that demonstrated an Indiana corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. was actively conspiring with shadow government operatives in Minnesota, Florida, and the U.S. Air Force to violate my constitutional rights for the purpose of protecting members of transnational trafficking operations.

In an Order dated December 13, 2017 Honorable Yon stated:

“Mr. Holmseth has presented a significant amount of evidence regarding his investigations. Both parties and this Court acknowledge and agree that any order in this case which may prohibit or restrict Mr. Holmseth from conducting said investigations are VACATED.”


The sheer magnitude and nature of the incriminating evidence I possess regarding Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., is so utterly profound and disturbing it almost shocks the conscience.

It defies reality that former Indiana Governor Michael Pence could not have known what was occurring in his State of Indiana.

I filed a formal complaint against Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., to the State of Indiana and no action was taken. She then continued operations against my family.

I also reported Tina church to the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota, and Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, after she claimed she was impersonated by another person on a false police report she made to the police claiming I had HaLeigh Cummings in my home. No action was taken by either State.

The following are only a few facts:

• Wayanne Kruger suggested she had Tina Church on video with the family of missing child HaLeigh Cummings shortly after the child vanished

• Tina Church warned me that I have no idea who I am messing with

• Tina Church is a documented associate of Attorney * * * * * * * * * * (who Wayanne Kruger named as an international child trafficker for the CIA)

• Tina Church told me during a recorded call that her son is a Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force who can walk across the street to the U.S. Department of Justice and obtain records any time he wants

• Tina Church told me during a recorded call that she works for federal judges

• Tina Church told a witness in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case that she was involved in the “JonBenet Ramsey” case

• Tina Church told me during a recorded call that she was in un-documented communications with the police in Minnesota regarding me – she said the police were calling her (calling her off the record) to discuss me and my “obsession’ with HaLeigh Cummings (which was shadow government code speak regarding the fact I had uncovered their child trafficking and kiddy porn operation)

• Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she could have my children taken away from me

• Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she telephoned and talked to Honorable Tamara Yon about my court case (which she later admitted in another telephone call that she did not do)

• Tina Church warned me during a recorded call that she telephoned Polk County (Minnesota) Attorney Greg Widseth and East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galstad. She said she warned Ronald Galstad that if the City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota did not involuntarily commit Timothy Holmseth into a mental institution that she would sue the City using her high-powered attorney from Chicago


Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was a member of President Trump’s Transition Team.

William E. Staubs, Case Closed Inc., Florida, worked for Attorney * * * * * * * * * * and they were deeply involved in the cases of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings and slain toddler Caylee Anthony. William Staubs is the close friend, business partner, law client, and PI for Attorney * * * * * * * * * * .

I submitted audio recordings to the Minnesota court created during a formal meeting of * * * * * * * * * * ’s law office, which captures William Staubs saying that they (* * * * * * * * * * , William Staubs, and their team) found the body of Caylee Anthony (which was not the story presented by the State of Florida at the Casey Anthony murder trial).

I also submitted explosively outrageous audio that captured * * * * * * * * * * and William Staubs in the very act of conducting a shadow government judicial child abduction operation of a kidnapping witness that was being extorted in advance of a false written statement against an innocent person.

William Staubs told me he is an informant for Attorney General Pam Bondi and said he met with her to discuss * * * * * * * * * * and other matters that involved murder.

I have submitted countless complaints and exhibits to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding all of the aforementioned crimes against children and no action has ever been taken.

I have set forth the facts regarding the CIA/FBI baby sales and child sex trafficking operation in statements made under oath to the United States District Court in both Florida and Minnesota.

Our government is actively harvesting children and babies for sale to wealthy elites for the purpose of sex, torture, cannibalism, and ritual sacrifice.


President Donald Trump would be well advised to proceed with an abundance of caution regarding any trust he might place in Michael Pence and/or Pam Bondi.

An abundance of evidence shows both Michael Pence and Pam Bondi are in willful and obnoxious defiance of President Trump’s Executive Order on February 9, 2017 - ‘Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.’

Very respectfully yours,
Timothy Charles Holmseth

A story done in 2019, 10 years after the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings,

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It’s hard to say how many gifts are inside Annette Sykes’ home. On another wall is a large shelving and cabinet set, the cupboards stuffed with more gifts and the shelves lined with angel figurines. Four giant cellophane-wrapped Easter baskets lean against an adjacent wall.

“All this is waiting for Haleigh,” Sykes says.

For a time, Haleigh Cummings became everyone’s child, and not just in this Putnam County community, where strangers gathered to pray and search for the 5-year-old who vanished 10 years ago Sunday.

Though still missing, most of the prayers for Haleigh and support have stopped.

“People forget after a while. Time passes, they forget. I guess you can expect that,” says Sykes, the missing girl’s great-grandmother.

The passing of time hasn’t been easy for the 74-year-old. Sykes’ time here is limited. Lung cancer was expected to kill her over a year ago, she says. She hopes to be there the day her great-granddaughter is found so she can share with Haleigh the vast collection of gifts and other mementos, proof she was loved and people cared.

“At times it feels like a million years since she went missing,” Sykes says. “And at other times it’s like it just happened yesterday.”

The telephone rang in the middle of the night, rattling Sykes awake.

“My baby is gone. My baby is gone,” Ronald Cummings Sr. yelled to his grandmother in the pre-dawn phone call on Feb. 10, 2009. “Get over here, my baby is gone. Somebody took my baby.”

Cummings was outside. He had been hitting things. He’d been yelling, crying out for his daughter and demanding answers from his 17-year-old girlfriend who had been watching Haleigh and her younger brother while he was at work. The skin had peeled from his knuckles, leaving the tender flesh exposed to the night air. A deputy noticed and snapped a photo, just in case.

The deputy approached the 25-year-old father. Cummings’ words about his girlfriend were harsh. “He said ‘his dumb [expletive] girlfriend’ told him his daughter was missing,” a deputy noted in his report.

Police with K9 tracking dogs fanned out, one heading toward the St. Johns River a quarter mile away. Another angled toward the railroad tracks.

The questions piled up. When did she leave? Why? How? Did she leave with someone? Was she abducted? Was she dead?

She stood 3 feet tall, hit the scales at 39 pounds and was not the adventurous type. She was terrified of the dark.

Did Cummings and his young girlfriend have enemies? Why would someone snatch just Haleigh while being baby-sat with her little brother?

The questions continued. The answers investigators got often changed, says Capt. Dominic Piscitello, who 10 years ago under Sheriff Jeff Hardy had just been appointed a month before to oversee the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office’s detective division.

Haleigh, her 3-year-old brother — named after his father who went by “Junior” — and Cummings hadn’t lived in the rented mobile home on Green Lane very long. The blue rig was tucked from view from the more traveled roads in an area of mobile homes. So a random drive-by of a child abductor didn’t seem likely. Not far from the front side of the mobile home was what looked like an unending mass of Florida scrub, lanced by the occasional pine tree.

Since Haleigh was 2 and Junior not even a year, the children spent most of their time with their father and his family. Cummings and their mother, Crystal Sheffield, were no longer together.

Sheffield went to live with Cummings and his family when she was just 14. She was supposed to just stay the weekend, but didn’t go back and dropped out of school. At 17 she got pregnant with Haleigh. Eighteen months after giving birth to her, Sheffield had Junior. Both children were born with some issues. Haleigh had Turner’s Syndrome and needed to see a cardiologist and endocrinologist monthly. By the time she was a little over 2, she had missed a dozen appointments.

Cummings noted all this in court records when he fought Sheffield to get custody of the children. Sheffield, he said, used cocaine and wasn’t responsible. Sheffield admitted to the court that she used heavy drugs but said it was at Cummings’ insistence.

Sheffield and family members stated in court records that Cummings was a known drug dealer, violent and impulsive.

The Florida Department of Children and Families opened a case on the children when Haleigh, then a toddler, was found face down in a water-filled ditch.

In the custody battle, a magistrate awarded Cummings custody, saying his $10-an-hour job — which one day would provide benefits — was better than Sheffield being unemployed. She could see the kids every other weekend, the magistrate ordered.

Cummings later fathered another son with special needs who did not live with him on Green Lane. When Haleigh went missing, her mother was living in Baker County and her father worked the overnight shift at a Palatka steel fabricating plant.

On Feb. 10, 2009, investigators talked with Sheffield in Baker County, searching for clues, anything.

Investigators back in Satsuma continued to piece together the lives of Cummings and his teenage girlfriend as well as the days leading to Haleigh’s disappearance.

They learned Cummings met Misty Croslin in 2008 at Haleigh’s school bus stop. Croslin told Cummings he should try and get custody of his special-needs son because the baby’s mother used drugs and left the boy with irresponsible people.

Croslin, as it turned out, then became Haleigh and Junior’s babysitter. She and Cummings, eight years her senior, became a couple. But they had problems. Croslin, a girl with a sixth-grade education who under a bogus name bought a bus ticket and ran away to New Jersey two years earlier, still wanted to do as she pleased.

And she did, the investigation revealed.


The first weekend in February, Croslin left the Green Lane home for a weekend bender of drinking, drugs and sex.

Cummings was livid.

Several times he tried to see Croslin, but was turned away.

Cummings sought out his grandmother, Sykes, for child care. He returned to Croslin’s friend’s house with his girlfriend’s clothes and threw them in the yard.

Croslin returned home Feb. 9, in time for Cummings to go to work. The fight was not over.

Cummings called Croslin repeatedly and asked her brother to go by his house and check to see if she was there with the children.

Investigators say credible witnesses placed Croslin and the children at the mobile home in the late afternoon and early evening of Feb. 9. Sykes was one of them.

Sykes stopped by with the children’s clothing from over the weekend when she took care of them. They were all on the porch eating Hamburger Helper and Sykes insisted the kids get into warmer clothes.

Croslin’s brother stopped by later. He and his sister smoked a joint on the porch, investigators say.

Investigators believe Croslin, a heavy smoker, was out of cigarettes, sleep-deprived and did not want to be there.

“That’s the kind of irresponsibility of the 17-year-old,” says Piscitello, the lead investigator.

Cummings, a drug user, says Piscitello, is not without fault. He says Cummings pushed drugs at Croslin to keep her happy and around. Essentially, he says, she became his sex slave/babysitter.

Trusting his children to a teenage drug user was the last thing Cummings should have done, Piscitello says. “Leaving them with someone like that, at 17, is unacceptable.”

Haleigh was last seen about 8 a.m. on Feb. 9., a Monday. What happened between then and 3:27 a.m. when Croslin picked up the phone to call 911 as Cummings arrived home from work?

Croslin told investigators she put Haleigh to bed at 8:15 p.m. because she had kindergarten the next day. She said she joined her in the same room sometime after 10 p.m.

Croslin said she woke up a little before 3 a.m. to use the bathroom, though for reasons investigators find suspicious, she said she used a guest bathroom and not the bathroom in the room where she slept.

She told police she noticed the opened side door by the washer and dryer. She said the screen door was propped opened with a cinder block.

Haleigh was gone, she told them.

Croslin didn’t call police until Cummings pulled in at 3:27 a.m. Asked to explain the lack of urgency, she said she had been looking under beds for Haleigh.

Cummings can be heard yelling his daughter’s name as Croslin talked on the phone with the 911 dispatcher.

“I just woke up and our back door is wide open and I can’t find my daughter,” Croslin said, her tone frantic.

Cummings shouted for police to come now. “Tell your husband we got them coming,” the dispatcher said.

Croslin explained Haleigh was 5, that she was white and had a head of long curls. She said the child was not very tall. Croslin had a hard time estimating Haleigh’s weight. Maybe it’s 40 pounds. Or 50. Maybe even 60, she said.

The call to the dispatcher continued until Cummings took the phone: “I need somebody to get here now. I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to get here now. I’m telling you, if I find whoever has my daughter before you do I will kill them. I don’t care if I spend the rest of my life in prison. You can put that on recording, I don’t care.”

The call ended and the dispatcher called back. Cummings cried and gave profanity-laced responses as the dispatcher tried to get information until deputies arrived. As Cummings grew more frantic and louder, the dispatcher urged Croslin to stay on the line.

The line went dead.

People searched overhead in helicopters. They rode on horseback through thick rural Northeast Florida scrub. Divers searched nearby waters. Cars were stopped and searched on main roads leading out of the small unincorporated town. ATVs were brought in. Volunteers from all over came, asking what they could do to help.

Cummings and Croslin weren’t allowed back in the Green Lane mobile home because detectives secured it to look for clues, anything that could lead them to Haleigh, or possibly catch Croslin in other lies. Croslin’s statements changed. Her story didn’t add up.

There was no sign of forced entry into the home Croslin insisted was locked. The door she said was ajar had a pile of laundry, both clean and dirty, in front of it. Investigators found no sign of anyone coming in that way, Piscitello says.

Croslin told the dispatcher Haleigh was wearing pajamas when she last saw her but then told detectives it was a pink Hannah Montana T-shirt. A pink Hannah Montana shirt was found atop the laundry by the door.

“Little inconsistencies in the story start to build up,” says Piscitello.

Not allowed back in their home and not wanting to be far from investigators, Cummings, Croslin and Sykes camped in the front yard of a home up the street. At the other end was a campsite for Haleigh’s mother, Sheffield, and her family because they too wanted to be nearby if there was a break in the case.

Sykes says people brought them food, a tent, blowup beds and blankets.

By Day 2, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office had received more than 500 leads.

Haleigh made national headlines as did the flaws of her family and the image of rural Northeast Florida.

George Anthony had just buried his granddaughter Caylee Anthony in a high-profile Orlando case when Haleigh’s story broke. He showed up to support Cummings and Croslin.

A website,, encouraged people to carry Haleigh’s photograph, tell friends about her, to keep looking.

By Day 10 investigators had roughly 1,500 leads and had spent over 4,000 hours on the case.

The following day, deputies gave news personality Geraldo Rivera a trespassing warning when he got into a verbal confrontation with Cummings over allegations he was a drug dealer and abusive.

Haleigh’s story grew well beyond Rivera. And it also grew beyond the search.

The grievances of Cummings and Sheffield were aired by Nancy Grace, another true-crime TV personality. Bounty hunters got involved, attorneys issued statements and national cable programs trumpeted interviews with family members.

Piscitello regarded much of it as tawdry publicity stunts as the focus shifted from Haleigh. Still, he analyzed every interview — were emotions real or staged?

“The bottom line is somebody knows. The little girl didn’t walk away on her own,” Piscitello says. “Somebody knows. Somebody knows the person. Somebody has told them. Somebody has disclosed something and that person is the person we are waiting for, the person who has the guts to come forward.”

One oft-repeated theory was that Croslin took Haleigh to a party where she ingested drugs. Another suggested Croslin’s cousin, Joe Overstreet, who left town and headed back to Tennessee on Feb. 10, had something to do with it.

Croslin told authorities her cousin sexually molested her when she was young, but wasn’t arrested. Investigators raced to Tennessee and tried to speak with Overstreet. They learned he violated his probation by leaving the state and going to Florida. As it turned out, investigators later discovered the car Oversteet and a friend were in was stopped at a checkpoint the day Haleigh was reported missing.

“There was no sign of Haleigh in that car,” Piscitello says.

Investigators said Overstreet had been ruled out as a suspect. Still, his name came up again. And again. He hired an attorney.

Flyers with Haleigh’s images sprouted all over. Truckers took stacks of them to share throughout the country.

To investigators, one thing became increasingly clear: Many put self-preservation ahead of the truth.

Part of that self-preservation, Piscitello says, was the union of Croslin and Cummings.

Exactly one month after Haleigh vanished, Croslin and Cummings applied for a marriage license. Because Croslin was 17, she needed her parents’ permission.

On March 12 the couple married in an outdoor ceremony after their preferred church refused to hold the service. Croslin and Cummings moved in with Sykes even after investigators said they could return to their Green Lane home.

More than once, Sykes says she found her grandson crying on the floor clutching a photo of his daughter, wondering who had Haleigh and what they were doing to her.

“That’s where he’d be,” she says, crying as she recalled the memory. ”... He’d cry and talk to her picture.”


Haleigh’s case took the country by storm. On April 14, 2010, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, received about 250 telephone calls or emails from media requesting information or interviews. The following day, another 100.

Six days later Lt. Johnny Greenwood, Sheriff’s Office spokesman, sent a terse statement after some media outlets speculated that the recovery of skeletal remains were Haleigh’s.

The Sheriff’s Office did recover remains: Alligator claws and teeth.

On the six-month anniversary of the disappearance, Sheriff Hardy issued another statement: “Misty Cummings is not considered a suspect, but she knows more than she is telling.”

Misty Cummings didn’t stay Misty Cummings for long. She and Ronald Cummings divorced in the fall.

Ronald Cummings had this to say to Nancy Grace: “Family problems, everything else, doomed our marriage.”

The once-daily news stories became less frequent. Out-of-town lawyers and bounty hunters who rushed to this small town had left. Croslin and Cummings went back to their old ways: Drugs.

“They continued on the same path as when they had the child,” Piscitello says.

Croslin’s father, Hank Croslin Sr., filed a Sheriff’s Office report saying the drugs he bought from Cummings nearly killed him. Croslin and her friends found themselves under investigation when a friend reported they were robbed during a drug buy.

With the arrests — and there were more with the key players associated with Haleigh — the Sheriff’s Office would again quell rumors that the arrests had anything to do with Haleigh.

Authorities then got a tip about someone trying to unload Oxycontin pills. The tipster named Croslin.

Until that point nothing seemed to break Croslin. She had been interviewed repeatedly, sometimes for hours. At times she was combative, Piscitello says. Other times she would shut down, like she didn’t exist and neither did he.

He truly believes she knows something. He just couldn’t break her.

“I think she can do things without feeling emotions about it — true emotion,” he says. “You see a lot of fake emotion, but I think she is clearly able to remove her own guilt.”

After an undercover investigation that lasted more than a month, authorities arrested Croslin in January 2010. They also arrested Cummings, Tommy Croslin and two of Misty Croslin’s girlfriends. Records say an undercover officer bought drugs from them seven times — more than 300 pills.

Misty Croslin was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Cummings and the rest got 15 years. They are all still in prison.

Piscitello says the sentences aren’t justice for Haleigh because the mystery isn’t solved.


Over time the flyers with the missing girl’s joyful face faded in storefront windows. Flyers tacked to trees and utility poles were lost to wind and rain. Bloggers and commenters lost interest.

To this day, most tips come from folks who heard things in jail.

It has been more than five years since the double marquee outside the county’s Emergency Management Division blasted a photo of Haleigh to motorists passing by the building off Florida 19.

But Haleigh’s face remains hard to miss in Piscitello’s office. Tacked to a wall is the bookmark with her photo, passed out 10 years ago by those eager to bring the 5-year-old home. Piscitello said he is crushed he hasn’t been able to do that.

After 27 years, his law enforcement career is winding down. He’d like nothing better than to find out what happened to her before he retires. The case, he says, was his most challenging. An entire room at the Sheriff’s Office is devoted to the investigation. He goes through records a few times a month, wondering what he missed.

“It’s a case that sticks with you forever,” he says.

Barring no changes, this summer those close to Haleigh will light a candle, say a prayer or perhaps have a good cry for the missing girl born Aug. 17, 2003.

For Sykes, it is hard to imagine Haleigh grown up. When she closes her eyes at night to say her prayers and ask God to bring Haleigh home, the images that flood her brain are that of the smiling 5-year-old with golden curls and almond-shaped brown eyes.

“It’s so hard,” Sykes says. “In my mind when I think about her, I know she is 15 years old now, but I still see my little girl, my Haleigh.”

Back to the interview between Shari Beall and Timothy Holmseth,

They touch on what has been exposed, the honey pot. A system of blackmail by putting people the cabal need to control in compromising positions including those with children for photographs and footage to use against them as blackmail to get them to do their bidding.

This includes people across all sectors and institutions including government officials, which we have found in many cases worldwide which go back to cases like the Dutroux case in the Netherlands where he told people, police, officials, government leaders were also involved in the pedophile ring. There was so much public outcry, the Good people there took to the streets in what became known as the White March.

Here is a report that goes over his case if you are not familiar.

Pedophile in Belgium was he a trafficker protected by a pedophile ring, Child Abuse

More information here,

Other high profile pedophile cases which prove this is not isolated, has been going on for years and encompasses people in high places. A ring for the rich and privileged.

A Pedophile Ring for the Privileged and Powerful Biggest Political Scandal Establishment cover-ups

Yet another Dutch official who was The Law so he simply investigated himself. Sound familiar?

Demmink Pedophile high Dutch official still free, Helsinki Committe in US justice for victims

One need look no further than what has occurred with the NEXIVM case involving many government officials in the United States connected to Epstein. Mainstream media has shown very little coverage. You should ask yourself, why is that? Trials have occurred yet it receives little to no air time on most stations. You don't suppose people in the corporations who own those news networks are complicit do you?

Proof from the NEXIVM Trial along with connections to Democrat reps, Brazil Man of God, Epstein Island and even Obama's young friend from the creator of soap interrupted from JFK's assassination Cronkite Report

These are notes taken while watching the interview between Shari Beall and Timothy Holmseth.

Federal protection

Weiss on a plane in costa rica that went down pediatrician.

Wayann Kruger child advocate for Haleigh Cummings trafficked by FBI

Waynn Kruger security involved in Casey Anthony case with Gloria Allredt, but no one knew

Victims advocate for the mother of Haley Cummings

When they thought they were going to be arrested they called Timothy Holmseth, so they detailed out to him how they got the babies from social services.

He suddenly went from a kidnapping to being told about FBI and CIA agents doing this.

Up until election of Trump, we were being run by a shadow luciferian gov. So now we have a prez dedicated to ending child trafficking.

He was doing interviews about the Haleigh Cummings case. He was working as an independent and had made a brief contact with an attorney in FL who was representing the mother, then the nest thing he knew, all the members of the team were in panic and they were all worried about being arrested. The attorney told her staff to call him.

They were all talking to each other and were worried about what the other was saying about them.

It was all extortion and blackmail worried about squealing.

Why are these children being kidnapped and murdered? Used for sex trafficking and according to Holmseth. . atrocities, ritual sacrifice, torture, trauma because it induces adrenochrome. . .human made drug. And they get drunk from it. They bottle it, save it.

They sell their organs, their bone marrow. The most valuable commodity on earth is a human, especially a baby.

We can’t avert our eyes any longer just because it is heinous because These Children don’t have that luxury.

During the time of the Harvey Weinstein reveal, why were we hearing about the women, but Not the children.

Holmseth thinks they were trying to play every card they had. They kept trying to crumble here with made up scandals. Looks like they wanted to take down some high level people for sexual harassment. They figured they could make up a charge against Trump, so they may have felt if they sacrificed some of their own, then they could justify getting rid of Trump even on trumped on charges.

Was it smoke and mirrors? Dessensitation? We’re going down, so let’s expose the public to all the sex perversion..

Part of their plan is early sexualization and gender confusion. Trying to remove the boundaries. Almost a let’s Normalize this, because they have been trying to remove the boundaries between children and adults.

Concerning the Weiss family. Their photo was featured in the Tampa Bay Times article. This story is found in various places. Some links given below in sources.

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According to TBT,

A holiday getaway to Costa Rica ended ended in a fiery plane crash that claimed the lives of a family beloved within their community — a mother and father who had practiced medicine more than decade at Morton Plant Hospital and two teenage children pursuing the arts and social activism.

In all, 12 people died Sunday when the plane crashed in a wooded area on a planned flight from Punta Islita in northwestern Costa Rica to the capital city of San Jose.

Morton Plant,

The site chosen was one of the high bluffs, unique in peninsular Florida, overlooking Clearwater Bay. The main hospital building faces west toward the Intracoastal Waterway, the barrier islands, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Killed in the crash were Dr. Mitchell Weiss, 52, and his wife, Dr. Leslie Weiss, 50, of Belleair, and their children Hannah Weiss, 19, and Ari Moses Weiss, 16. Also killed were a family of five on vacation from Scarsdale, N.Y., a guide from a California-based tour company, and the two flight crew members.

According to Heavy,

The victims include pilot Juan Manuel Retana and co-pilot Emma Ramos Calderon. Travel guide Amanda Geissler, 33, was also killed. Another American, Gene Wing Szeto, is also among the victims, according to a list provided by Costa Rican authorities. The remaining victims were members of two American families, one from Florida and the other from New York. Dr. Mitchell Weiss, his wife, Dr. Leslie Weiss, and their children, Hannah and Ari, of the Tampa area, were killed. New York residents Bruce and Irene Steinberg and their children, Zachary, William and Matthew, also died in the tragic holiday crash.

The single-engine charter plane crashed December 31 in a wooded area of Guanacaste, Corozalito, Costa Rica. A witness told the New York Daily News the plane appeared to spin and “cartwheel” just minutes after takeoff before plummeting into the ground. Photos from the scene show the charred remains of the plane.

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“It was kind of low and I looked up to see it turn. I turned away and then heard the crash. It had only been in the air a minute or so,” Matt Wolfe, of Utah, told the Daily News. “My wife watched the whole thing. She thought the plane was doing some kind of barrel roll acrobatic maneuver.”

The plane, a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, left Punta Islita Airport about noon before crashing just after takeoff. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. Wolfe said those near the crash rushed to help.

“There was lots of black smoke. Several trees were on fire and just the tail section of the plane was visible. A few locals showed up with fire extinguishers and machetes, but the fire kept popping mini explosions. Nobody could get close. It was clear no one had made it out of the airplane after the crash.”

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I wonder why on the two photos shown in this Heavy article there are 2 differing dates for the year.

**Interview with Shari Beall

Connector article goes over the crimes, murder and schemes of the Rothstein, Rosenfeldt, Adler Law firm proving truth Really IS stranger than fiction!


update on Cummings story in 2014

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