Host said it's difficult to believe a woman can rape a man. If it were a 37 year old man and barely 17 year old girl people would be Outraged!

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In a recent Italian Tv Interview,

A host said, " it's difficult to believe a woman can rape a man."

If it were a 37 year old man and barely 17 year old girl people would be Outraged!

In our country 17 is Not a man, he is still a child learning to be a man.

I recently revisited two individuals I had done a couple of articles on just a few months ago.

One was Anthony Bourdain who dies under mysterious circumstances in an eerily similar way to Kate Spade, and Anthony's girlfriend Asia Argento.

More on those stories in sources below.

One of the outspoken advocates of the me too movement facing her own allegations from who was a child star, Jimmy Bennett. Jimmy stared opposite Asia in a movie called, The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things as son to a prostitute mother.

Jimmy alleges the rape by Argento took place at a southern California hotel in 2013, when Bennett was 17, underage in the state, and Argento was 37. “My trauma resurfaced as she came out as a victim herself. I have not made a public statement in the past days and hours because I was ashamed and afraid to be part of the public narrative.”

In September of 2018, Jimmy did an interview on an Italian Television show and the host asked questions then actually stated,

"It's difficult to believe a woman can rape a man, an act of sex that is complete cannot be rape."

Then the host suggested he enjoyed the encounter, in complete disregard for someone who was a child at the time, which is not only against the law in the United States where it occurred, but blatant predatory practices against a child.

Here is the photo of them which once again, if this were a 37 year old male and a teen who just had her 17th birthday. ..

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The host clearly missed the point! Just because predatory practices upon children are legal in Rome as young as 14, doesn't mean there isn't a line in the United States.

In addition it doesn't mean there aren't Guardians who firmly believe in protecting children, because By Definition of Child. . .they are easily manipulated by those who are Adults!

Is it not hypocritical to say that even if a female enjoys the encounter. . .if it was done as rape, which in this case was rape of a child. . .whether the victim enjoys it or not is irrelevant.

Isn't that part of the dirty secret? Part of why victims have even stated they were willing to come forward? Because they felt not only the predator, but their body betrayed them?

In other words, they feel dirty, they feel somehow responsible as if they themselves, as children had invited the attentions of an adult in a sexual manner.

Children are Not responsible for an adults behavior or willingness to step over a line, to completely ignore boundaries. Boundaries which Demand, children be protected!

Victims many times feel and in cases are Made to feel, they contributed to their own abuse.

This is nothing but another attempt of the pedophile, the perpetrator trying to justify their evil actions!

The blame game. Preposterous! They are the adult. . .victim is a Child!

When this interviewer implied as a child Jimmy Bennett enjoyed the rape,

Isn't that part of grooming? Predators of this nature who groom children and attempt to normalize pedophilia want the child to feel good, so that it makes the criminal's job easier. It is after all the predator's goal to have an illegal relationship with a child. A child who is innocent and not capable of making adult decisions, thus is coerced by the predator.

They why is the opposite not true? Why is it Not possible in this interviewer's mind that a male can be preyed upon?

Just because she doesn't view 17 as a child, doesn't mean we all don't know the difference!

Just because other countries and those seeking to normalize pedophilia don't have a line, doesn't mean We Don't!

Bennet seemed to believe he would get a fair platform on which to tell his side of the story.

Was it possible he Would Never get a fair shake in a country in which Asia Argento was born into?

According to the Daily Beast,

agreed to pay Bennett some $380,000 for his silence in 2018 after he apparently threatened to go public with the story. Argento has since publicly announced via social media that she would no longer honor that agreement.

Jimmy Bennet tells the story of what led up to the alleged rape and the actual rape.

According to Bennett, the two kept in sporadic touch after the 2004 film, but only began flirting in 2013, when Bennett was 17 and Argento was 37. “There was no face time for ten years,” Bennett said, describing how Argento eventually approached him then to “talk about a film” she wanted him to be in. The two were in touch via Twitter and eventually via email when they agreed to meet at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Marina del Rey, California.

Bennett said he showed up prepared to audition for a film. Argento, he said, had other ideas. “Asia started it,” Bennett said. “I had not been too surprised. I was sure we would meet again. She invited me and I was more than happy to come.”

Then, as the time approached, Bennett said he felt uncomfortable. Then, after he says the two had sex, he felt worse. “I remember feeling uncomfortable and strange,” Bennett says about the encounter. “There was always a barrier of culture in how she acted, and maybe I didn’t know what to expect.”

Then, once they were in the hotel room, Bennett said things started to get intense.

“The first thing that happened was her offering me champagne. And she went to play music on a record player that she had and she smoked a cigarette. And she told me about a film she had in mind. She wanted me to be in it,” Bennett said. “It had started when I first got into the room. There was a lot of kissing and her grabbing my face and kind of inspecting me and saying, ‘Oh my son, how I’ve missed you.’ My interpretation was that maybe it was a way of her showing me affection.”

Then, he claims, things got even more intense. “She started kissing me longer and longer and it started to feel to me that it wasn’t just a friendly thing and that she was doing more,” Bennett said. “She was looking to do something else, it was more than just a kiss.”

Then, Bennett says, Argento unbuckled his pants. “It’s hard for me to talk about this in front of strangers and people I don’t know, but I do want to get the benefit of the doubt in telling the truth,” he said. “After the kisses started getting longer and it started with her placing her hands in different ways. Following that was when she pushed me onto the bed and took my pants off and undid my belt.”

At this point in the program, the Italian host was incredulous. “It’s difficult to believe a woman can rape a man, an act of sex that is complete cannot be rape surely,” he said.

The host pressed further, showing the now-viral photo of Argento and Bennett presumably post-coital. “She asked me to take a photo,” Bennett said when asked by Gilletti about the circumstances. “Yes, it was on my phone. Yes, it was after we had sex.”

“I’m sorry, but you don’t seem upset, you don’t seem in this picture to be traumatized,” Gilletti said. “You don’t look here like someone who was afraid.”

Gilletti’s audience broke into applause as Bennett, at that moment, seemed to understand the situation.

“I understand,” he said. “I’m starting to understand what you mean here.”

His lawyer then asked Gilletti if the audience would have applauded if a woman had said she had been raped. “How can they interpret what was going on in his mind,” his attorney said. “Or what was in his heart, just because of his gender?”

You can see this interview in a clip in sources within the Daily Beast link.

There are those who feel Jimmy Bennett was shamed for coming forward with his sexual assault account.

What kind of a message is this sending?

Are you Not allowed to share your story and expose a rapist if you are a male?

According to California News,

Responding to several jabs against him and his allegations, Bennett eventually spoke up for himself.

“I was worried about coming in front of an audience and being accused of not being sincere about the violence against me,” Bennett said. “After this, that’s why I chose the silent route. I was right.”

Once again, Asia Argento's explanation for a "pay out," doesn't hold up.

When you look at all the facts that have come to light, including the text messages between she and a friend corroborating Jimmy's story, things don't add up for Argento's claims.

See her photos and symbolism on her instagram demonstrating her love of the occult in sources below.

In yet another twist, Asia Argento is now claiming she was the victim.

The Independent states,

Asia Argento's new lawyer has issued a statement which claims she is the victim of a "sexual attack" by her former co-star Jimmy Bennett.

Last month, it was reported that Argento had arranged for Bennett to be paid $380,000 to keep a potential lawsuit at bay, after he claimed that she gave him alcohol and had sex with him in May 2013, when he was 17-years-old. In California, the legal age of consent is 18.

Bennett claimed that he suffered from emotional distress after the alleged incident and consequently saw his income drop from $2.7m to $60,000.

Argento's representative claimed that her boyfriend at the time, the late Anthony Bourdain, "chose" to cover the cost of the settlement "to protect Asia's and his reputation" which was "vulnerable to embarrassment" because they were "early and prominent supporters of the #MeToo movement".

Argento initially denied having any sexual relationship with Bennett, however, text messages reportedly sent by her to model Rain Dove appeared to contradict this.

Dove, who has been romantically involved with prominent #MeToo campaigner Rose McGowan, provided the NYPD with the messages in which Argento allegedly admitted: "I had sex with him [Bennett]. It felt weird."

McGowan severed ties with Argento after the messages came to light, announcing that she felt "betrayed" by her former friend, and urging her to "do the right thing... be the person you wish Harvey [Weinstein] could have been".

Argento's lawyer's statement says it hopes she will be cleared in the court of public opinion regarding the alleged incident with Bennett, and continues to argue that she was the victim of a sexual attack, and "might even be suffering the fallback of a smear campaign".

The Hollywood Reporter states,

Argento claims,

"What gave me the strength to talk to [DailyMailTV] today is the rage I felt when both Rose McGowan and Rain Dove kept on saying these lies about me, saying that I was receiving nude photographs from Bennett since he was 12 years old," she continued.

In a recent tweet, Argento said she plans to sue Dove and McGowan. She has claimed it was Bennett who sexually assaulted her in 2013 and Argento says the leaked texts were selective and do not tell the whole story.

Not long after Argento, now 43, made headlines for allegedly assaulting Bennett, CNN announced it would no longer air the episodes of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown that she had previously participated in alongside Bourdain. The TV chef committed suicide in June. He was 61.

"In light of the recent news reports about Asia Argento, CNN will discontinue airing past episodes of Parts Unknown that included her, until further notice," a spokesperson said in a statement.

Argento was also fired as a judge on Italy's X Factor. Many prominent voices in the #MeToo moment distanced themselves and spoke out in support of Bennett coming forward with his claim.

In response to reports about her not being faithful in their relationship, Argento said of Bourdain, "He cheated on me, too."

Anthony Bourdain and Asia had begun dating in 2016 after meeting on the set of "Parts Unknown."

Argento is claiming a reverse version of the story Bennett told.

Isn't that what all predators who don't admit they have raped a child do?

Argento as the 37 year old adult woman is the one who arranged the meeting with a 16 year old turning 17 at a hotel.

Would you as an adult even Think to meet a child, teen or even anyone far younger than you at a hotel just to talk?

As an adult you know not to put yourself in questionable situations. You make an informed choice.

Children's brains are still developing, this is why it is considered predatory if the adult Doesn't make an adult decision.

Not the child Asia. . .the Child isn't in charge of making adult decisions for himself or for you Ms. Argento!


More articles on this subject, Asia's background and Bourdain's odd death.

An alleged victim accuses Asia Argento of pedophile abuse

Anthony Bourdain, his girlfriend Asia Argento Freaky Friday interesting tweets, info, video clips

Asia Argento's connections to symbolism

Concerning recent stories coming out about the pedophilia and child trafficking abuse along the border and abuse incidents in Indonesia, Anthony's last episode locations are interesting.

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