Coronavirus Elite Cases and Elitist Resignations #FollowTheWhiteRabbit. Music's most powerful man Lucian Grainge has coronavirus after party where Tim Cook was present and connections to Mark Parker of Nike and Disney board of directors. Blood power.

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Here is the Facebook Frames original post link where you can see all the photos. Archiving here because my posts have been known to disappear though fully vetted and sourced. Can only fit 10 images in this steemit post, so will try to do a video on my Youtube Channel covering this. You tube channel found here, Channel Name is TestingTheNarrative
I am also on Bitchute to archive content removed from YouTube under TestingTheNarrative

Facebook Frames Coronavirus Elite Cases and Elitist Resignations #FollowTheWhiteRabbit summary archived following.

Flip through the Frame photos as some of these May surprise you! Many of these Elites are Well Connected!

Trump stated > The World is at war with a hidden enemy. We Will Win!

Have you seen all the Coronavirus cases?
Tom Hanks and Wife, Rita

Flip through the frames to see Coronavirus cases and resignations. Here is a quick summary and more will unfold in the frames. Will put sources in comments of Original Post.

How about music's most powerful executive. ..Lucian Grainge
Whose Birthday party was he at?

The daughter of Omaha billionaire Warren Buffett confirmed she has been exposed to Covid-19 and is now self-quarantining.

Susie Buffett said she feels fine and doesn't think she has contracted Covid-19.

So Tim Cook at Grainge's birthday party. Exposed? How about the other high level elites there?

Tim Cook was on the board with Mark Parker on Disney's Board during the same time Bob Iger was on the board of Disney and Iger reigned ahead of schedule.

Remember former VP of Disney Michael Laney arrested and sentenced for Child Sex Abuse?

Did you know Jack Dorsey founder of Twitter resigned from Disney's board?

Were you aware Sheryl Sandberg the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook resigned from Disney's board?

Were you aware Kobe Bryant had a deal with ESPN which is connected to Disney for a children's show called Dark Musings?

Take note that Disney Cruise line stopped at Epstein's Island for a snorkel stop and they were confirmed cases of molestation on Disney's Cruise line.

Mark Parker resigned from Nike. Tim Cook was also on the board of Nike.

Remember the Art of Mark Parker and the artist he collects from Mark Ryder.

Did you know Many more people from Nike and other high profile companies including those from the music industry have "resigned?"

How about Sergey Brin and Larry Page recently stepping down from Google?

Remember Sergey Brin connected to Epstein and his Ex, Anne Wojcicki of 23andMe. That's convenient when working on Biotech, AI and ultimately transhumanism.

How about Lenovo. Remember when we went over the deep dive on them? Will drop a link in comments of Original Post.

It is disturbing, predatory and signals cannibalism signaling all kinds of evil.

How many elites will end up Self isolating because they have the coronavirus? #WhiteRabbit

Never forget there is #PowerInTheBlood and ask yourselves. ..Why do they need all that blood? What are they Really getting from it?

How about the Jump to the rabbit for Jump to The Rabbit as a Model for Cell Therapy Research in studying lung disease? Interesting considering the BioMed link.

Now the media and progressives will try to tell you it's All Just a Coincidence. Are there really Coincidences or is there Rhyme and Reason to everything? #ThereAreNoCoincidences

#Coronavirus, #ElitesGettingCoronavirus, #Redrum, #BloodDrives

Not sure if I can fit all Facebook Frames Photos here, but will fit what I can

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See more here as more photos from this artist Mark Parker collects from are archived here along with more source links and info.

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Sources and connecting articles/reports,

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