RENTAL ACCOUNT UPDATES - Donating to users affected.

The short of the post is we're donating to renters who were effected by steem outages. Giving them back the full ammount of the escrow that they lost because they didn't keep enough Steem in their account during the Steem blockchain difficulties.

In other news we're happy to report some fast action by @asgarth helped make this error much smaller than it could have been.



There seems to be a trend of some renters to live very very close to the edge. Only keeping enough PeakCredit in their account to last MAYBE a day. This daredevil, tempting fates system is a risky proposition on PeakMonsters rental system where if you forget OR there's something like what happened the last couple days then you get stung.

A little under 10% of the 3600+ rental contracts were broken in the last couple of days when the chain rebooted but people were unable or forgot to transfer funds. (for example there was a time when if you were using keychain to transfer you had to know that you needed to switch the node on keychain to


This is said purposefully a little harsh because first we really really really want to encourage renters to NOT keep the minimal in your peakcredits account. This is not like a rent/creditcard/utility bill... there is no leniency plugged into the system. You are not paying @PeakMonsters you are paying other people for usage of their cards. So there is Zero leniency... and when a rental is broken it doesn't just effect you. It means for 7 days the owner is also effected negatively... and that's why there is a termination escrow penalty. They put in an escrow to help make sure you're serious but also to cover the 7 days of negative impact when you break a contract.


However we do feel for you... you haven't been used to a Steem outage like this. Not since last October way before rental market. And even the recent SteemMonsters API outages or the HF21 outages effected rentals. But this one did because the chain was running and peakmonsters was running but nodes and the ability to add money to your account wasn't running.

SO... we're donating to accounts affected.
We are not asking owners to give back any of their escrow they were negatively impacted by the Steem outages as well.

50% = 100% DONATION

We have done a check on accounts we saw as having broken contracts because of low peakcredit balances.
Please please keep more peakcredits in your accounts in the future. Like 1-2 days extra ... like a "rainy day fund"

This is the amount of escrow that was given to owners. The renters listed below were only ever gonna get 50% of that back so our 50% donation is a 100% refund donation.


Anyway I will manually add roughly 50% of the figures above to your peakcredit accounts from our peakmonsters profit.

In the past we added a lot more wording and warnings about keeping money in your peakcredit account.

We've also added lots of information containing totals as you can see above.


if you can think of other ways to warn renters and educate them to keep money in their account, let us know.
Maybe we can make their balance RED if they are in danger of running out soon (not sure what soon is)

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