The Peace Academy Curriculum //The Non-Agression Principle // Part 6

The Detrimental Government Disregard of Property Rights

The Homesteading principle states that First Use of any resource or unoccupied land is recognized as the rightful owner until that owner chooses to sell or abandon that resource.

It is possible to peacefully resolve conflicts and establish borders and claim to property without Government coercion.

Working together, respecting and recognizing ownership and productive output, as well as peaceful negotiations regarding borders all create harmonious order which can be achieved through private enterprise without the use of force and coercion by Government entities. We see versions of that thorughout history in tribal economies, gift economies, and now in crypto economies.

The unfortunate reality is that Governments aggressively and forcefully establish boundaries, often without the consent of the people and without any concern for the harm or impact they are having on those people.

A prime example is the European invasion of the Americas during the 16th and 17th centuries.
This land was taken by force without any consideration for the rightful property owners and homesteaders.

This heinous Government disregard for property rights has continued throughout the centuries across the world and is still happening today. Nearly all of their actions today represent various versions of financial harm to the many for the benefit of the few.

In order to live by the principles of Non-agression, Peace, and Liberty, we need to understand that property rights are absolutely necessary and are the foundation for all other rights.
The violation of property rights by Government entities is just another example of what we collectively need to remove our consent from.

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