Workaround for Layabouts and Ne'er-do-wells - What's in a Name?

bullygirl.jpgHuffpo; "Girls who bully and the women they learn it from"

Some time ago, being thin-skinned as they come (to the great amusement of the bullies in 7th grade), I came to a conclusion: If someone insults you, you need not reply.

Now, anyone who's argued with me knows I am prone to reply to any provocative statement, and when it's personal, it's doubly charged. But the fact is folks insult one for reasons, good or bad. Unless you can provide them good, and better, reasons to change their minds, they're not gonna change their ways.

So, if what they say is true, no defense you can mount will change that fact. You ARE a jerk, or lazy, or stupid, or whatever. If what they say is not true, you don't have to say a damn thing. They're either wrong, or lying. Whether or not you feel kindly towards them might give you some reason to tell them the truth, but if they're ready to lay down the smack on you, it's unlikely they'll listen to anything you might say.

If you merit no insult, those that know you know that, and those that don't will see it soon enough, or won't matter. If you do have it coming, the same thing is true, and the best thing you can do is change your ways.

Either way, being angry about it only uses up your energy, and gets mean people what they wanted. If they wanted to constructively criticize, they wouldn't insult you. What they want from insults is your anger and pain. No point in paying them for their cruelty.

Rise above. Do better, and it'll be alright.

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