"BED WEATHER": What Its Like


Who doesn't like the rain? And who does? Well I for one, both love and hate the rain. Why? Two things:

1. I only "love" it when I'm inside my house, all cuddled up in my room. Being sexed by my newly washed sheets and freshly made pillows are more than enough for me to call it a beautiful day.

and 2. I "hate" it when I'm outside of my house going somewhere far from my house. 🤣 Regardless of where I go, be it in my workplace or the mall, or even at my friend's house, I hate it. The thought of being wet (😏) without you wanting to be wet, just doesn't go with me. ESPECIALLY when you're in your OOTD moment. (good lord) 😩 And don't even get me started with the dirt. 😫

But here's the thing...

These days, January 2021, specifically in my country and in the city where I am living in right now, pours out BED WEATHER vibes. Some would call it "cuddle weather" or "sex weather". Same story different versions and all true.

Tia Dalma

To those who doesn't know what bed weather is, well then, my learned colleagues, lemme explain it to you via the photoshoots I exhaustingly did just this afternoon. 🤣😏

"Pirates Ye Be Warned..."

Me scallywags, I be warnin' ye ahead, that I'd be posting some NUDE pictures here. This is for the purpose of ART and AESTHETIC. So I apologize ahead if it offends ye in anyway. (Why am I speaking like an old pirate tho?) Also, I intentionally made the pictures black and white. I wanted to catch the peacefulness and stillness of what it feels like or what "I" feel like it is to be under the bed weather.

So leggo.

Grey Skies. Cold Wind. Endless Raindrops.

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These are the photos I took outside my house. When colorized, the skies are purely gray and clouds are heavy with rain that anytime soon they would be gushing out loads of water piss from above. But surprisingly, they didn't...yet.

The wind was cold and sometimes tiny raindrops would fall from time to time. The weather was weird cause it would rain so hard then after a few minutes it'll stop and it'll just have a quiet drizzle then after another few minutes, it would suddenly just rain again. Difficult af. 🤣

Living Room Stillness

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This is a part in our living room just right where our TV is located. (left side) I specifically picked this part to capture on my phone because the subtle light of a dreary afternoon shone so bright that it felt so peaceful to look at. (Also, if you're curious to know what those things are outside the window, don't ask. I won't be tellin' you shit. hahaha.)

(Those are chopped bodies of human flesh.) ✌️ hahaha.

I salute thou for those whom accepts dark humor. 😌

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A closer look beside the immaculate window.

An old stereo my dad bought BEFORE I was even born still stands today. T'was handled with so much care by my dad. (but rumor has it that I destroyed some parts of it when I was younger. ✌️) We didn't used it so much though since we be living in a very techy world today and we just solely rely on smartphones for music, instead of cassettes and tapes.

I like how the light shows a black and white contrast on the table. Can you see it? It's beautiful :)

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My beloved cat named: Niko or Nico. We personally do not know the correct spelling of his name but we just used those two spellings for years now and both are still correct.


Thank you for that Tia Dalma.

Anyways, this is also another part of our living room but I just pictured my cat instead. 🤣 Our cat always and I mean ALWAYS sleeps in our living room. He has his own basket to sleep on but the kono yarou just likes to sleep on the chair with a pillow to complete it. We sacrificed one pillow away for him because his hair tends to shed so fast and it gets stuck on the pillow. And we don't want our visitors to see that shit right? Especially your crush. Def have to incinerate that pillow right away. Crush must have good first impressions. hahaha facts for me.
My cat also loves the weather. He slept warmly in his lil pillow. 😊 He looked so alert in that picture because I just woke him up. 🤣😅

My Brothel

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Under this weather I feel at peace. I feel comfortable. I feel like I can do anything I want and just be in this state of calmness. I feel free. I am in nowhere to be judged. I can be myself. I don't have to pretend anything or prove anything to anyone. In this moment, I can have the opportunity to have a private time with my soul.

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I get to have an intimate date with myself. A casual talk on a normal afternoon.
I can reminisce stuff from the past and cry quietly without any pain to fear.

Every time this weather shows up, I always look outside my window. I wanted to hear how the raindrops fall quietly from my roof down to my window silt.
I love to feel the cold breeze that sneeks on my skin every time I open the curtains slowly.

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The only thing that gave me ecstasy was these sheets.

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The only orgasm that I reached was "Tranquility".
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And the only nirvana that has enlightened me was "Serenity".
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To be drowned by these sheets is the only death I need.
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"The most emphatic place in a clause or sentence is the end. This is the climax; and, during the momentary pause that follows, that last word continues, as it were, to reverberate in the reader's mind. It has, in fact, the last word."
-F. L. Lucas

Sheesh, ya getting too carried away from yer poetic words, ya little cur.

Honestly, the weather really made me lazy and sleepy af. That's it. hahaha And I'm already lazy and sleepy af. 🤣 If I were to have a spirit animal, that would be the sloth.

Fukin Sloth

I really loved being all curled up and cuddled inside my bedsheets and just sleep the whole afternoon off in this bed weather. This is my favorite weather out of all weathers. Not even summer can compare to how immaculate this kind of weather can be. Truly, it is called a "bed" weather. It makes you lie down in your bed and sleep.

Whenever this kind of weather pops up, I always, and I mean ALWAYS put on Bon Iver and St. Vincent's song, "Roslyn" on repeat for HOURS until I fall asleep. Just a side note, as bad as other people see the Twilight saga movie is, the soundtracks used? ARE FUCKING HEAVENLY. Be it rock, folk or indie or whatever genre there is in that movie, they literally picked the most SUPERB ones. I love every bit of it. And Roslyn was one of em' good-ass soundtracks. With this weather plus with this kind of song? NIRVANA BITCHES, JUST FUCKING NIRVANA. <3

Roslyn was in the Twilight: New Moon movie where

Bella was printing out her picture with Edward and sitting on a table with her friends on a sunny day, and Edward was at her room until they went for a walk in the forest.

Just a terribly, terribly good song.

So there you have it. This is how Bed Weather feels like to me. Hope you guys also have your "bed weather" moments. I'd love to read each one of it on the comments below :) Have a great day!

(Ya feelin' my subtle Pirates of the Caribbean vibes here yea? hahaha)
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