Paywithsteem : A Big THANK YOU to @jerrybanfield! The Fundraiser is COMPLETE!

Paywithsteem : A Big THANK YOU to @jerrybanfield! The Fundraiser is COMPLETE!

The fundraising is OVER, thanks to his comprehensive Budget Proposals! The team wishes to dedicate this post to our generous donator @jerrybanfield for believing in Paywithsteem's vision and mission for the Steemit community and our project.

Your funding has given us a major advantage to be the pioneer service provider of our kind on this blockchain, and we can't thank you enough! You've given the hope AND financial support we need to propel us forward by leaps and bounds, and we promise to keep everyone here updated about the project on a weekly basis.

A Total of 2,840 STEEM Was Funded By @jerrybanfield

That brings the total amount of money raised from the budget proposal to about $9,100 in USD today! Combined with the $900 earned from our fundraising posts from the past two months, this brings us to a total accumulated funding of over $10,000 raised through votes and donations alone. You have no idea how much this means to us!


So What Happens Now?

With the funds we have in hand, we are currently recruiting a few developers to work on Paywithsteem. So if you're a developer or web engineer reading this, you're the perfect candidate! Though we're cool with any skilled developers who are willing to take up this project, having experience on the Steemit blockchain certainly gives you the edge you need over others. Holla us up!

The task is to get the automated site up and running before mid 2018. So yeah, hurry and hop onboard!


Your project can get funded by the Steem Budget Proposal too. Here's how:

It's becoming apparent that Steemit is a platform of a million startup possibilities, and entrepreneurs from around the world have (and will continue to) leveraged on the blockchain. If you have a project on Steemit which needs extra funding, please consider the Steem Budget Proposal by @jerrybanfield just like we did!

Yes he's nice, and speaking from experience, way nicer than real-world investors out there in the oversaturated and competitive startup community. But just like every project ever, there are criterias to be met! Don't be intimidated though; it's a gatekeeper to see if how serious you are with your plans.

How serious is serious though?

Okay, what we did prior to approaching @jerrybanfield (as evidenced on our blog) is to churn out fundraising posts a few days every week to raise awareness on our project. This has been going on for about 2 months or so. On top of that, we have been approaching and engaging with whales for help.

In short, we're desperately serious and it shows.

Basically, what we're trying to tell you is to put A LOT OF EFFORT into your project and work on it relentlessly. You don't have to worry if the hardwork doesn't show; everything shows up on the blockchain. So hurray for hardworkers! There are so many methods for you to convince @jerrybanfield that you deserve the funds though. You could:

  • Do multiple video proposals
  • Work on a podcast
  • Update the community and be active on Steemit as often as you can
  • Make fundraising posts like we did
  • Having a website that's ready to run
  • Build a kickass deck
  • Things more creative than what we listed


You've got to really, really want it like we did! We'd like to encourage you to keep believing in your project because as cliche as it sounds, having the faith will lead you to commit yourself into seeing your project to its peak.

We didn't start off perfect, and neither are we perfect now. It started when @btcvenom had an 'aha' moment, and then we had multiple goal alignment talks (read conflicts and heated discussions), restructuring internally, and shifting of directions for us to be able to reach this point. Don't be discouraged by any drawbacks at all! If anything, take the harshest words you've heard as the knife that sharpens your focus.

Where can I read more about the Steem Budget Proposal?

Everything you need to know about the Steem Budget Proposal is HERE! Prove your worth and work your way to the funds by joining contests, submitting initial proposals, and writing posts that adds value to Steemit, etc.

Tips To Get Noticed:

Tag #promo-steem, #steemit, and #jerrybanfield because @jerrybanfield screens these tags daily for valuable proposals. Once he acknowledges your effort, you'll receive an upvote bid to your post. This small funding is usually as a generous token of encouragement to help startup ideas take off.

Stay Tuned for Our Next Update!

Thank you for everything, including your moral support and time for reading this post itself. Most of all, we are endlessly thankful to @jerrybanfield and the supportive community who's been consistently giving us their upvotes. We'll be sure to remember you always!

And now, we're signing off to get started on our serious business of letting anyone shop for goods with STEEM and SBD!

If you have any questions just ask below!

A huge thank you from the @paywithsteem team for any support received!


‘Spend Where you Earn’

The Team at Paywithsteem wishes you Happy New Year!

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