Paywithsteem : BLACK FRIDAY SALES IS HERE! Weekly Newsletter (Week 3)

# Paywithsteem : Weekly Newsletter (Week 3)

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when we mention "Thanksgiving"?

Okay fine, we'll still give you the credits for internally screaming TURKEY but the point is; YOU CAN NOW PAYWITHSTEEM when you shop on AMAZON and AMAZON UK on its Black Friday Sales! Take advantage of our service and Paywithsteem for electronics, smartphones, laptops, computers, video games, toys, and more, going for the CHEAPEST PRICE EVER in 2017.

Save your cash, Paywithsteem, and stay safe at home away from the crazy annual stampede.

.........just no.

How to Buy From AMAZON using our Amazon Wishlist* Service

We understand the joys of shopping online, and our service bridges the gap between your Steemit wallet with one of the largest online shopping platforms in the world. And we make sure it is easy to use:

Simply add the item you'd like to purchase to a wishlist or create one if you have not already got one. Make sure your wishlist is set to public, and your home address is selected. And then, send us your link on Discord here and we'll give you a quote. Once you agree on the price, send the total amount of SBD as quoted and we will fulfill your order!

One of the best things about our Amazon Wishlist Service is the speedy delivery in shipping!

Another thing we love about online shopping is the feeling we get when we receive our package; it's almost like opening a Christmas present we mailed to ourselves! Paywithsteem for AMAZON products and have them delivered to your doorstep between 1 to 7 days.

*Only applicable to AMAZON USA and AMAZON UK for the time being.

Our Christmas Flash Sales Ends Tomorrow!

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Spend your STEEM and SBD on presents for your loved ones. We have over 50 creative and quirky gifts for adults and kids alike, and sales end on 25th November 2017. Purchase now so that we can ship you the presents on time!

Visit Paywithsteem and start shopping!


‘Spend Where you Earn’

The Team at Paywithsteem wishes you Happy Holidays

‘Pay with Steem, Fulfilling Dreams’

Your friendly Community Store.

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