The new PayPal feature will help its users sell their products all over the world!


PayPal now offers a tool to help online sellers access international markets more easily. The tool comes in the form of an assistant program, available on major shopping platforms like Shopify and Magento, which allows customers to pay through PayPal.

The program is called Global Sellers, and it is a partnership between PayPal and WebInterpret the company that developed the plugin. The program opens doors to more than 60 countries to show traders an increase in international search results for shoppers online. In the end, subscribers can automatically see price conversions for their local currency, and WebInterpret also offers local shipping options to facilitate international delivery.

Traders must first download the PayPal plugin in order to use PayPal on their online shopping platform. This tool is able to accept 25 different currencies, according to PayPal which is free to use, but the default PayPal fee is applied.

The following countries are included in the program:


The program will be launched for the first time to qualified dealers in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany as of July 12. Other interested traders can request a demo on the program page.

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