Learning Outcomes (2)

Learning outcomes are abilities possessed by students after he receives his learning experience. Gagne revealed there are five categories of learning outcomes, namely: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, attitudes and skills. While Bloom revealed three teaching goals which are one's abilities that must be achieved and are learning outcomes, namely: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Learning outcomes achieved by students are influenced by two main factors, namely: factors from within the student, including the ability he has, motivation to learn, interest and attention, attitudes and habits of learning, perseverance, socio-economic, physical and psychological factors, and factors that come from outside of students or environmental factors, especially the quality of teaching (Sudjana, 2009: 22).

I conclude from some of the above meanings that learning outcomes are a knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills acquired after the student experiences learning activities. Learning outcomes are important in determining something that concerns learning problems. Learning outcomes can be measured using appropriate measuring instruments. Assessment of student learning outcomes to determine the extent to which they have reached the target.

Source: http://fima-payabakong.blogspot.com/2014/03/foto-ini-dia-lokasi-wisata-paya-bakong.html

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