Yesterday was RPG day

I play #ttrpg .. I started with Dungeons and Dragons in the original big red box.. over the years I played when I could.. even got into the adventure league for DnD and pathfinder society for Pathfinder 1E. This past year I been playing PF 1E with a home group and I love them. So yesterday we continued on War of the Crown..-
This is one of my Character, "Uncle Hank Will Hymns" .. yes the play on name of the famous country singing legend. He is a Mysterious Stranger / Bard class. MS is an archetype (variant) for gunslinger.. Think cowboy for my guy... And Bard is the jack of all trades pick.. he can do a lot of skills, fight, cast spells etc etc . MS is altered to work with bard' main stat, charisma. He a tough hillbilly that uses his moonshine jug as his wind instrument.. I actually role play him out.. I use a stereo type hillbilly voice and I actually think of a quick ballet when I use his inspire song. And before you #cancel me... Living over almost 30 years in Florida and growing in a farm... I can do it 😘


Jokingly my Dungeon Master challenged me to this fight, I said let me hit next level 4 and I'll give it a try 🤣

So it's starts out like this..
So the twist in this campaign is you actually play two characters.. and the switch so far uncontrollably... Which brings in.. the BAMF right here

That is Lichen GraveBane. He's my fight time playing a melee class.. Ranger and archetype him Corpse Hunter.. basically he hates the undead and gets buffed fighting them..I picked this cuz the DM said there's a lot of undead in this.

So we come into this room and there's a little girl crying.. facing the corner.. I admittly said nope, I seen all 3 Blair witch a movies.. I know this trap xD. Well turns out I was right...
She turns into this outsider demon that can charm.. it was a level 3 ranger.. with a level 3 druid with a wolf.. and a level 3 druid that forgot her pet... It took a good 30 minutes whittle her down.. but I had fun and the new player learned a trick or two so win win.. ohhhh side note profession:Gravedigger and his weapon is a shovel(used the monk's spade stats). I can't wait until he gets to level and can finally cast spells.. of man he is going to be a DPS beast!

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