Parent facing desertion at old age


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Life is of three essential phrases with the early, middle and old age. The early age pretends the first 30 years, the middle permeates 30-70 years while the old age sets in from 70 years upwards..

Old age is synonymous with declining years or stage of elderliness. It is therefore characterized by the psychological and physical effect.

The nature of experience in old age, however, varies while some oldies have comforted life with other experience a deserted one. The phenomenon is thus the background of the opinion.

Old age remains a natural inevitable phenomenon. It is preoccupied with varieties of diseases, weakness, skin wrinkles, loneliness, and financial incapacity. The age permit a high potency of susceptibility to diseases as the diseases fighting organs are naturally becoming weak.

Loneliness also set in as the oldies subsequently retire from work - employment or vacations. The age of retirement gradually brings a half to their workaholic nature which eventually results in loneliness. Many oldies find life difficult and lonely at this stage because of their strong habitual adaptability to work nature.

However, the phenomenon of withdrawal from work is not proportionally constant at this stage on the ground that some oldies helping hand to depends on. Now paying attention to the comforting and deserting nature of old age. The determiner here is base on the effect contributed to life in the early stage positive or negative.

Positive contribution is permeated by the level of social and family responsibility. Before old age set in many oldies have taken up responsibilities in their environment as well as rendered help in social development. They also contribute immensely to their child/children moral growth and personal development which in return create a comforting atmosphere for them in the future. This illustrates that society or children can actually stand up for their needs in the future, on the contrary, those who have skeptical view about social and family responsibility are mostly open to suffering.

Some breed children indolently leaving their world with little or no hope of success in the future while living a better life such are also less concerned about their contribution to social effectiveness.

Subsequently, there are more factors that determine how and if an old age will be comforted or deserted. Among these are education, a source of income and widowhood.

Educated oldies can gain recognition in his /her field even after retirement which endorses him/her with the hope of fighting loneliness and having some cash at hand. In contrast to this, large numbers of oldies, especially in rural areas, are not educated which make them at this stage.

Widowhood also contributed its quota as a determining factor at this stage.when an oldie loses the partner who should keep his/her company away from loneliness, joint with the previous determiners which are a financial constraint. Financial incapability keeps a lot of oldies depressed leaving them in a nagging condition.

Currently, in the world, many oldies are suffering or let me employ the word deserted. Their old age becomes a despicable model to many youngies. They remain vulnerable to the different suffering condition. Loneliness and lack of help set in even as bone become weaker and skin wrinkles. Many oldies turn into street Walkers and beggars, constantly seeking survivor. Some who eventually find help may likewise be opened to some challenges.

There is two subsequent school of thought about old-age, some view it as a favor from God when confronted while others see it as a reward.

Therefore, a deserted old-age can be a result of "what you work out, will work for you".

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