How do you protect your passwords and private keys?


I have a small question for the decentralized community. You may call this question a silly one. But this is the most important question in asymmetric key cryptography. Also for all in cyberspace who have to preserve very long and complex passwords. This is a serious job. At least I think so, and I wish to know. Maybe many of you know it and are already using it.

How do you protect and preserve private keys and passwords?

We know the problem we might face if we lose the private keys of our crypto wallets. We won't be able to access the wallet without the private keys. Even, in this decentralized blogging platform, if we lose the password, we won't be able to access it again.

This post also has a reference to my earlier article on "Private Key-Loss Conundrum" published on LinkedIn, entitled "Private Key-Loss Conundrum: The roadblock to Blockchain's acceptance by the mass" -> link

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