

This is not one of those posts trying to be positive and sugar coat things to make people feel better about themselves but to ask a question...

Why are so many people Negative? Who the hell knows why. 🤷🏼‍♂️

I guess it’s just human nature to bitch and complain about things or maybe it’s just something to do because of boredom.

We all know that being positive or negative has its benefits in a persons life but what side do you rather be on? Do you want to hang out with positive or negative people?

All I know from my experience is that negative people just live shitty lives and usually get nothing done. They rather talk about issues instead of taking actions to change them. 🤔

People tend to say that I’m quite negative at times but that’s normal. I’m at least self aware why I’m doing it and usually catch it in time to stop it.

For example, I had many friends growing up who were broke including myself and for years we use to all bitch about t all the time.

We all complained about why it’s not our faults and why the “system” is responsible for this.

Looking back, it was just a huge waste of time. Even though they were my friends for years, I just had to let them all go.

I started to hangout with “real” positive people and it changed my life. They all pushed me to become better instead of complaining.

What do I mean by “real” positive people? If I was broke, the real positive people will say “ Damn Charles, you never have money... what is going on with you, you’re way better than that”.... "What are you currently doing everyday? Here is some info or game plan that you can do to get out of that situation".

Is that negative? Hell No... it’s constructive criticism.

Theres a huge difference in constructive criticism and negativity. People who are very direct and finding ways to help you to become better are the types of people that I’m talking about... the real” positive people.

I guess it’s about perception...

What I’m saying might be confusing to many people but at least I gave it a shot. 🤣

Just a few thoughts in my head that I had today and wanted to write about it.

So in other words, stop being a negative “Nancy” and start finding ways that you can do to make things better.

Keep On STACKIN! 💞 Charles Fuchs

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