Superconductors. Physicists discover something new What?

A superconductors is a special state of some matter when we cool that near to zero it attain a state called superconducting state.

What is supper conducting state ?

Mainly 2 effect of a matter at lowest temperature that separates from normal is
1).meissner effect
2). Zero resistance effect

Meissner effect

It is the behaviour of super conductor in magnetic field . As you can see in this picture that magnetic flux line bend near the super conducting material .. this is very useful effect it can be understood by BSF theory of super conductor

Zero resistance effect

At state of super conductor the resistance tends to zero this mean we can found current flow inside with out any energy . Our Aim To find a super conductor that behave the same way at room temperature .if we have this state then no more heat in mining

Heat energy= i²RT
R= resistance zero at this case
T= time

Because of R=0 heat is gonna be zero ..

What physicist found ?

Researchers team 2018 found a super conducting state that have 3/2 Spin yptbi

YPtBi, a topological semimetal with a very low carrier density, was recently found to be superconducting below Tc=0.77  K.

It is a hint that we actually progressing on this field

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