Friday night survival kit

Anti-vampire meds ... 14 euros ... everyday brand lemonade ... about 50 cents i think ... catfood 1.10 or 98 cents, everyday brand salted chips, about i dont know precious, total price around 20 euros for the day.

I go out to the get the anti-vamp. It starts murphying around me. Half the ATM's in the province (or the country) start re-booting. The infirmary can't accept my debet card as their machines wont start. First BANK i go to has "technical problems" ... the next one gives me money. . . . I swear it's drill again ... (someone's gonna have a deja-vu.

I ask , if i can't get vitamin d by eating stuff and the only way is to walk in the sun (which is why i spend 3 days of food on it ... i HATE THE DAYLIGHT) - then where do they get the supplements ... ?


anyway ... i need them i'm at like under 50% of acceptable or something and daylight is really not an option ... so please volunteer your blood (i dont really know, maybe they can synthesize it ...)

Coffee not included in the price ... by the time i get the bottle to the kitchen it slips out of my hand and other than what's on the floor now i have about


that much left ...

i hold the cuss-words because the backdoor is open and here you're never further apart than 5 metres from someone else at any given time but after cleaning the house bottom to top yesterday this probably means i wont get to the garden as i can't leae my kitchenfloor a sticky fly-trap fro all kinds of #stuff that's attracted by sweet sugar and the promise of an energy rush


i'm quite sure, ... or that negative energy thing gone demented confusing me for Jane with all the gnomes trying to get in my head assuming faces they can't handle because they all look the same and only succeed in annoyance and aggravation but mostly disruption ...

It has to be one of them, or else murphy's still alive and it's all very funny to some retard upthere in the clouds or on a skyscraper somewhere.

No, vitamin-D actually doesn't get excreted on surplus ... vitamin-C does, so in essence you COULD damage yourself but in my case as i am a luna-tic moonchild i doubt i will ...

GUD ... two posts is more than one too many today

ooowhh welll, from what i seen just now it looks like banksters seem to rely heavy on third-party services ... as i found one bank that wasn't affected (right next to the other one, i mean who can still afford to rent a front-face in the center of town ? you have no idea how expensive land and property is in a little place like this, for some reason its very wanted or used to be and the prices are still up there as no one seems to realize that a house not rented out is not making money AT ALL ...)
So if the girl in the store was correct and their little atm-things work on proximus and proximus has already been compromised once (was that proximus ?) and that means half the banks and stores are partially disabled, more so since banks do NOT render service after-noon anymore due to cut cost on personnel ...

Then Drill must be Chinese, right ? they blamed it on the chinese last time :)

right ... more than enough for 14 cents

eeh, what happened to redundancy in systems ? O yea that's right .. spare tires are "an option" these days

(but i really don't know what's going on and at my money level im not gonna lose sleep over it)

Sure sure, i can hear that badass UK presenter sounding in the back
*goodbye ... you ARE the weakest link" ... game over ... i would betcha fiver that over 90% of people affected NEVER give situations like that any thought at all, or how one cut in one cable or a simple small earthquake maybe can upset the whole grid ?

But i'm out of fivers for the week

Dear CEO, if I am the one to have to give you a potential solution then I want YOUR pay (but not your loans and wife and kids) for one year ...

You can fallback on another provider as not all banks are affected , but only if you have a permanent contract for that which means extra cost but continued service ... i will be eagerly awaiting zeroes in my bank account now, and i dont mean those after the comma, they already there

HAHA LOL SNOOKUMS thats REALLY ENOUGH post for five days

aah ah, NO! ... but yea, and indeed, its not because someone blames it on the chinese that the chinese did it, it's pretty easy to point fingers at something out of reach to hide your own malpractice, incompetence, negligence OR SIMPLY to hide THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD PLAN EVERYTHING AND FORESEE EVERYTHING ...
as that, afaik is the territory of the gods ... soooo ... you can stop pushing now or my supreme good mood(not) will be ruined, precious ...

please do and please don't ... i'd personally prefer to claim unforeseen than admit i have been had by a nationalist hacker from the other side of the planet who could potentially flatten half the country at the flick of a button because the latter is a lot scarier ....

right right now now now ... enough time wasted

phew six pm ... all afternoon gone to hell ,nothing done in the garden as i just got to the point where my shoes don't stick to the floor ... that's a LOT of splatterdamage from one plastic bottle bursting on impact O M F G ...

i'm gonna say something harsh now (when did i ever say that , so don't stick the stasi on my ass) ...

I know its not the states or russia ... but cyberwarfare is a fact of life ... and ever since someone had the bright idea that it would be a bright idea to dub brussels the capital of europe ... instead of something german ... probably someone who likes to look in the mirror at how well that tie fits ... it's on the map ... they didnt just blow up london and paris , did they ?

but that's them , and the others are not ... it's a very real issue and seeing as how half of town gets affected from one malfunction (and i have no idea how wide and im not gonna turn on the telly for it ...) maybe some consultants from abroad might not be a bad idea and for once not wasted tax money ...

and if i had the choice, id go back to ONE federal government, and let the germans have the capital of europe, that should seriously cut some costs instead of my few 100

there we have it , dikkenek-in-your-place-peasant, at your service ... it's also not luxembourg is it ? or switzerland ... who says it can't be ? its not like there's anything else here

but beer

and nightclubs ...

mmhyea ... that's too bad for everyone who felt it like a good idea at a time and i totally understand the cultural evolution as i my point of view comes from out there, not from left or right, but Darwin teaches unavoidable things

why am i still talking, precious ?

i don't know , cat , you just always do that

i know, precious, it's very annoying ...

heeh .... don't wanna, precious, i'll be nen dikkenek again, misunderstood

okay, there's a public figure on my old facebook profile who i'm sure can point you in the right direction as to where ask questions on the matter, not averse to public speaking himself and very well understanding where the weakest link lies .... afaik the CIA made him work for them at some point ...

see ? misunderstood again, no we're not on a first name basis he's just a very interesting, smart and wise person (if not -guy anymore haha english lulz)

gud ... now REALLY, precious ... nothing gets done here as long as i do this here ... DUDE

can i can i stop now ? no ? i have to

i like the take of ole Jean-Luc on not solving problems that aren't there as it should be clear that i'm a firm believer in entropy over time and the more complex and longwinding a plan is the more chance it has at failing the further it goes without being adapted, so i wouldnt worry about quantum computers negating everything. For starters even if it can come up with a googolplex combinations of data in a second you still need to enter your proverbial password one at a time unless you have direct access , in which case, as aforementioned wise guy would probably confirm

you're fucked anyway that way, and in total since the speed of light is considered the maximum speed of everything in the universe that's the maximum amount of data-entry speed as well ... (jeezes fukken cries(t) - i really need to cork it now)

fud's ready , need to eat , cat as well, i could just illustrate with the first article i find on the matter it's not the original one i read on what the weakest link means ... if this falls under #article11 a.k.a the link tax, maybe i need to disclaim i only refer to it for government-educational purposes of people who never gave it a thought (likely not as such)

and im gonna eat now, and forget what i said, that wasn't me ... it's Drill taking over, the music's coming through me

it doesn't have an on-off button

kind regards and with somewhat good intentions

el gato out

oh and even if, i think the problem addressed supercedes the apparent utmost importance of the current witch hunt in the name of the 13th ferrari for the guy who only has 12 ... all because i had to walk to the bank because the ATM's were down everywhere, please don't make a habit of that ... Drill is unpredictable lol


why does it take 30 minutes to prepare and 3 to eat ?


i can keep disclaiming until the world turns blue (o wait ...) and the internet runs out of letters, it went by the name of CATalyst, which is self-explanatory, AlleyCat (which doesnt need much explanation) and is here turned to rudyardcatling which, despite the fact that the dude was born when "the white man's burden" was simply an expression of american exceptionalism and empire i suppose , as someone else tried to explain, has nothing to do with the man's political views back in the day but everything with the one story

about the cat ...

ofcourse ... see the common denominator in the red herring there?

.... the skin on my fingertips is turning red from friction, for mental and health reasons i have to abort the post now

owh, drill tells me i have to correct myself, that would be British exceptionalism then ?







dont use caps, cat, bat netiquette

k preshus ..

whew i'm gettin' lourd from the eatin'

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