Remember the old GSM

Do you remember those models, which we loved? We paid amounts of money in value of one second hand car. Of course, in the 90s. We loved them, we used them as a brick lol. I loved my Nokia 3310 and Motorola. I didn't care about battery, I used them constantly, when I got angry I used to slap my Motorola down. That feeling I'm missing now.

I had more time for childhood. I had more time for street, sport, nature and fun. I just was outside. Never in front of computer or mobile phone. Those times helped me to grow, to socialize, to enjoy in the sun, to feel every part of a year.

Nowadays school parks are empty. Kids and teenagers only sit in front of big screens, when they are outside or inside. No socialization, no sincere friendships, no truly real emotion. You have no idea how much those things have impact on personal psychology, brain, personal development! You have no idea how many people are deaf because of ear buds and tech.

I miss those times when I was more free. I didn't check my phone every time. But I loved the moments of growing up with them. I would never change a bit of it that time of my life. And for those who are growing up now, don't miss life. Go outside, have fun. Use tech for learning and not for time wasting. Time is passing very fast as life too

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