Fried Friday

It's been a helluva few weeks. Between issues with my son who has ADHD and ODD, my van breaking down TWICE and having to pay for it each time, cracking my phone screen, school science fair projects gone awry, and trying to make progress in my 200 hour yoga teacher training I'm dead. Done. Fried. Tapped out of energy. I desperately need to recharge. I need to find alone time to really zen out, meditate, and do yoga but it's a lot easier said than done.

It really does take a village and my tribe is few and far in between. Usually I try to keep my energy up for #funfriday activities but today my soul and spirit are begging me to rest. I have a parent/teacher conference, post office drop off, and grocery shopping at Winco that are nonnegotiable today. Pray for me. I need a break something fierce.

I'm just going to hold this blue aragonite and use some of my PastTense oil for a little while and hope some of their healing properties transfer to me.💜

#friedfriday #mentalhealthmatters #awareness #ittakesavillage #burnout #5Drising

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