Harvest Mango in My Garden (Panen Mangga di Kebun Sendiri)


Satisfaction and happiness sometimes do not need to pay dearly. The simple thing can make us happy and happy. That's what I experienced when harvesting mangoes in the garden. A sense of satisfaction that the mangganya successfully bear fruit, and happy when harvesting the results.

Kepuasan dan bahagia kadang kala tidak perlu membayar mahal. Hal yang sederhana bisa membuat kita puas dan bahagia. Begitulah yang saya alami saat memanen mangga di kebun. Rasa puas bahwa mangganya berhasil berbuah, dan bahagia saat memanen hasilnya.

Mango prices are not expensive, maybe around Rp. 25.000, -. But this is not a price issue, but a process to get it. The satisfaction of eating mango nanam itself is bigger than mango buy in the market. Own business results are more enjoyable than the results of the business people.

Harga mangga memang tidak mahal, mungkin sekitar Rp. 25.000,-. Tapi ini bukan persoalan harga, tapi proses untuk mendapatkannya. Rasa puas makan mangga nanam sendiri lebih besar daripada mangga beli di pasar. Hasil usaha sendiri lebih nikmat daripada hasil usaha orang.


Farming and gardening is fun. We can be creative here. We can plant a variety of plants. At harvest time, there is a sense of satisfaction and happiness. Here's a simple way to achieve satisfaction and happiness.

Bertani dan berkebun memang asyik. Kita bisa berkreasi disini. Kita bisa menanam berbagai tanaman. Saat panen, ada rasa puas dan bahagia. Inilah cara sederhana untuk meraih kepuasan dan bahagia.


Salam Petani @muhibpaya2

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