Life an times as a Journeymans wife

I intended to do this daily but instead figured itd be "juicer" if I started blogging our adventures weekly!
Three weeks ago my hubby set off on lifes next adventure as a traveling pipefitter with one of his best buddies! They are in Union local 538 outta Johnson City, TN! Then we joined him the following week,so today started our second week here in Alabama!

Coming from a small town in Tennessee, to say the least it's very different! Jasper, Alabama is quite a deserted! There are so many abandoned businesses an homes here. What businesses that are here are stuck in the 90's seriously! Nothing looks...modern so to speak! No one here follows the speed limit. It's like everyone's in a race!

The motel we are at is a sort of extended stay place. It's not the best an I'm sure there's a lot worst! It's the cheapest though an a place to lay our head at night! The wifi blows an I have to take @samks with me if I have to talk to anyone in the office because somethin as simple as "pillow cases" sounds like "willy lumpkiss" to me.. simply put,my country ass cant understand them! There's a few locals that literally live here, bless their hearts! The older man that's next door does. Hes the nicest, 81yr old school principal! He reminds me of my PawPaw a lot, minus the annoying barkin lil sh*t of a dog that he has an the 20 something prostitute that uses him for his truck an money.. dont ask me how I know, I just do! Yes, prostitutes live an work here! There's even a sign of rules in the office against them.. guess the rules just mean this turf has already been claimed 🤷‍♀️

Anyways we've settled into a routine this far but will change up a lil come May 1 when we move to a house in Bermingham! 15 days .. fifteen days..I'm not counting down or anything! Any who.. the girls an I get up, eat a bite an spend the day in the room. Usually @samks comes down an her an I play games, gossip or just play xbox! Around 330 we both start dinner for our hubby's then spend our nights tucked away in our rooms with our own lil families!

We did go do our weekly laundry&grocery run the other day, that was exciting if commercial machines are your thing!
Survived our first bit of "severe weather" although my nerves didnt!

So yea that's the first week with many more to come! Here's a few pics of our trip down an since we been here!

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