Safety during the work with cryptocurrency

Today I would like to write about the most important, perhaps, about safety during the work with cryptocurrency. So went...

Security measures

Safety during the work with cryptocurrency of Bitcoin is important not less, than for more habitual money. During rather short existence of bitcoins, hackers several times made attempts of breaking of online purses, many of which were successful. Safety of cryptocurrency in that case is under big threat.

The most part of breakings happened because of insufficient measures for safety of the stored means. In one cases the copy of not encoded purse mistakenly remained on the server, in others – theft was commited from the account having expanded privileges. It means that at the choice of a method of storage of cryptocurrency attention should be paid not only degrees of safety, but also usability of the chosen resource.

Safe storage of bitcoins

Now there are several ways of safe storage of bitcoins. The simplest, so the most widespread, options online services to which the bitcoin exchange and online purses belong are. Each of them has both advantages, and shortcomings therefore in order that users could choose for themselves suitable option, we will dwell upon each of the presented ways.

Bitcoin exchange

Many users and mayner who are carrying out purchase or sale of cryptocurrency use services of the exchanges in different degree. To avoid losses, it is necessary to refuse storage at the exchanges of considerable means and right after performance of the necessary operation to bring them in personal offline purses.

Certainly, the authority of the exchange has huge value, but as practice shows, thefts of bitcoins happened even on the largest of them. So, for example, in 2011 the MtGox exchange underwent the attack of hackers. The company undertook compensation of the lost means. Less clients of the Bitfloor exchange who in 2012 lost all means which are at the time of breaking on service were lucky.

Safety of online purses

Storage of cryptocurrency online. Online purses have a number of advantages which compensate their most important shortcoming – high risk of breaking. During the work with them it is possible not to worry about installation on the computer special ON, access to a purse is from any device. Besides, some online purses give the chance to use a number of such additional services as instant translations between users or bitcoin mixers.

Online purses happen two types: traditional and hybrid. In the first case service itself provides carrying out transactions and management of confidential keys, in the second – the purse has no direct access to coins.

The general recommendations during the work with online services

Recommendations during the work with cryptocurrency online it:

Code phrases and passwords have to be rather difficult. If with the independent choice of the password there were problems, it is possible to use generators of passwords. At the same time do not forget that at loss of the password it will be impossible to resume access to a purse, most likely.
Installation of the reliable anti-virus program. Each user has the anti-virus program to which he will entrust more, than to others, therefore the main thing in this case — not to forget to watch for timely software updating.
Creation of a backup copy bitcoin purse. It is possible to make it, having copied the file purse on other computer, the Usb-USB stick and even a CD disk. It will help to restore access in such situations as an exit from a system of the hard drive or loss (theft) of the device.

Cryptocurrency offline storage

This look is most often used by owners of the considerable sums and also those who trust storage of bitcoins online a little. Safety of a purse bitcoin technically, is meant storage of means on the computer which is not connected to the Internet or in so-called, offline mode. Exist bitcoin clients in which creation of similar "cold" purses is provided.

Besides, it is possible to use the generator paper bitcoin purses. This device is provided for generation and a conclusion to paper of two keys: public and confidential. The first serves as a requisite for receiving means, the second — is used for a conclusion of bitcoins.

Be careful also all thanks friends.

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