The lack of American and other worldwide sports showing in UK

Hello steemIt citizens hope you’re all having a great day today. This is a sort of follow up from my post a few days ago.

So today I wanna talk about sports and the lack of sports on UK television

sidenote I don’t know if other country’s have this problem but I think it’s a issue here in the United Kingdom so let’s begin.

payed subscriptions to watch sport channels
Here in the United Kingdom you have to subscribe to broadcasters to watch live sports these can be daily, weekly or monthly subscriptions to watch sports okay it’s not actually all that expensive with a sky sports monthly subscription costing around the £30 mark and you get access to a wide range of channels such as it’s own F1 channel and Football (soccer) channel however if you look outside the UK to other countries with their sports you will soon realise even though we have a nice range of live sport we lack live sport at the same time for example I myself sometimes buy a sky sports pass and they are great you can watch you’re favourite sport however I have noticed when their isn’t live sport they throw in highlights and after highlights normally boring documentaries on people involved in sport to me I find it boring as if I wanted to know info about a certain player at a sport I would just google it some may disagree with me however that’s just my opinion.

Adding on to this I do like my American sports NFL and NBA even at college level I’d like to tune in in my free time however I have researched this and when it’s nfl season the SkySports subscription only broadcasts 2-3 games a week same with the NBA I feel instead of having highlights on repeat mix it up have more sports. I am not trying to give skysports a bad review It was the only broadcaster I did research on and what I personally use


So Over the last year I’ve been really getting into NFL watching a game here and there in my free time however it’s a bid difficult being 6-8 hours ahead of the US however I do sometimes tune in and over the last week I’ve been looking online at sports stores that sell American football’s and I went around town today and I went into 3 different well known sports stores and only found 1 American football and it wasn’t a proper ball it was just a rubber made ball not one you could actually play a game with no branding no stripes no anything just a brown plain ball and that was disappointing and I have realised the only way to pick up an American football is to purchase online. Basketball is sort of popular here as in they have basketball courts in most parks here however again it’s a sport that’s never really shown by sport broadcasters but it is easier to pick up a basketball here however with an American football it’s a just buy online thing.

overall view

I feel if the broadcast giants cut out highlights shows and non live sport there would be opportunities to put more live sport in. Who subscribes to a payed subscription just to watch highlights and coverage of old games from years ago? No me neither.
I feel lots more can be done to showcase more foreign sport here in the UK via in store shopping, television, radio and funding into public parks and clubs.

i apologise for only using NFL and NBA as topics I know their are hundreds of other sports however i did all my research on them two in particular

Thank you all so much for reading my post please give me some feedback and tell me what you thought and what views you have!!

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