Who am I ?

This question follows us during the whole life, I think. And if we know the answer, we are happy. Knowing who you are corresponds to understanding yourself, feeling harmony, being a self-confident person, love your job and do it honestly, have a favorite hobby, be sure that you're on the right path. I'm on the way to have this feeling, but I haven't reached the final point yet. However I still can find some words to describe my life briefly.

I'm Nastia, first of all :D I'm from Ukraine, Kyiv. I really love my motherland despite of all bad conditions and problems that we have. I think that all depends on people and we can change our country if we want to. I hope that one day in future Ukraine will become a successful country... we just need some time to become more independent to respect our heritage, and also we should start with changing ourselves without judging someone else.

Let's return to my life :) I'm a student of philology at The University and also an English teacher at school. But my work is too interesting to be described in a few words, so I will tell you about it later.

What about my personality? Hmm... It's difficult to judge myself, but I can say that I'm really responsible, sincere, loyal and romantic. The bad thing is that I'm too emotional (take everything too close to my heart) and sometimes grumpy (it's because I demand a lot from people - about my demands there also will be a separate post).

I like singing, dancing, fitness, horse riding, theatre, traveling, but my life is so busy and spreads to all these things that I can't do any of it professionally and often. Watching movies (series), spending time enjoying nature, planning and presenting gifts - these are the other activities that make me happy. I could have forgotten something, but never mind, I'll remember it when I start to write another post devoting to this topic.

I decided to use Steem, because it can help me to find some English speaking friends to communicate with. I really want to improve my English and develop my ability to speak, cause knowing grammar and being able to read, write and understand is not enough for me, I want to use the language fluently, without mistakes and doubts. If you have considered me to be an interesting person for you to talk to, let me know and I would be really happy to start communication.

That's all for today about myself, but while writing this I understood that I have a lot more information about me and thoughts to share. So, to be continued...

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