Luke 8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Luke 8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. Hem of his garment a source of healing for an infirmity that lasted for 12years, this is the biblical story of that daughter of Abraham who was subjected to bleeding for years, she was bound and helpless, she spent all she has on medicine but to no avail, she suddenly has no option left, her predicament got to the extent of taking her original name, from whatever she was named from birth to THE WOMAN OF ISSUE OF BLOOD.
I could imagine that filthy smells that was emanating from her, her clothes has no need of washing because blood flow is unquenchable, oh what a bondage she was in, what a miserable life she was living,
But a day came she made a resolve in her heart, she imagined the wildest and also seemingly stupid thought in the sight of the world, she said in her heart only a touch at the hem of his garment, that's all I need to be free forever.
Now listen to me I just have this leading to pray for you this moment, what is your own issue? You have tried many times and many things but it failed, your health, your career, your family, your relationship, your business, your ministry, oh I am feeling the pain you are going through now I can sense your hopelessness, I want to announce to you that with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible, listen Jesus Christ was passing and that woman went for the hem of his garment and her flow that lasted for years ceased immediately, she caught the tip of the garment of the king of glory, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the mountain melter, the greatest physician, the most senior advocate of heaven, the ransom for our redemption, the air that we breathe, the fountain of solution, the lord he was, is and is to come, she went with faith and that stubborn plague of issue of blood bow,
Listen I don't know why I am getting this leading to pray in my heart, wherever you are, wherever you come from, white or black, Muslim or Christian what you need now is to determine in your heart that he is able to do it, I just joined steemit but this is what the lord asked me to do for you now, if only you can stretch your hand to catch this spiritual garment that has been released I want to assure you that that will settle it, I don't want to know how boisterous that storm is all I know is that the storms hears him and keeps quiet in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I declare to all that is troubling you to cease now. Amen
Finally I want to officially introduce this man whose name will perform all this for us, he said in John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. his name is Jesus Christ, the only son of God the father, the love of the father he came from above and went to the cross for our purchase from sin and destruction, just open your heart and receive him now as your personal lord and saviour, he is in love with you do not drag your feet just give him a space in your heart and you will never regret it one bit.
God bless you all.

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