Midweek giveaway of $5 hive dollars.


Photo for pure amusement only.

Yes he has a nappy on.

And he does not live in the East. you can keep him lol.

I know, I know how right wing of me, but and a big but, I do not identify as left or right. And with the current political think tank lunacy - I can self identify as a tree, so I do, there you go libtards.

Now onto my giveaway.

Yes you heard that right. I am giving away $5 HBD

Why? Because I can, how? allow me.


As the newly elected by people I have never met nor ever will meet mayor of dimwitsville.

I am choosing to celebrate my newly gained position to give my idiot friends who are just as stupid as me contracts to build roads.

I am also going to further ruin everywhere around me by allowing them to get contracts to build the infrastructure for everything you use. No worries if it fails, some other idiot like me will come along in 4 years and do the same. Suck it up buttercup.

I do have a socialist plan. We are going to buy back all the infrastructure the previous government sold. so they can sell it to their friends again once you vote us out. Seeeeeeee You have a say really!.

Not only that. I am going to give you the freedom to leave your own house for 2 hours, every day. Yes every day. Now I know you like that right?
Vote mayor Daz in forever and I will increase that allowance by 3 minutes per day.

Wait, I am not finished yet.

Vote me in again and I will give you free money I print and I will rob Peter to pay Paul via tax, just for you.

Vote for me and I guarantee anything I do will be in my interest not yours.

Vote Daz!

Now to win my $5 You have to give me one valid reason why people vote for some wanker to bomb other people in our name. You have to give me 1 valid reason why we allow government to tax us by policing.
You have to give me one reason why we allow career politicians that add fuck all to society but lies and empty words.
You have to convince me that some liar that can not answer any question, is incompetent, that lies, that prints money from thin air and adds debt to it for us, but lends it to their friends has our interests at heart.

I wish you luck getting that $5 out of me. You may find it easier to get out of them. But hey. They will rob the next man anyway.

There you go. Game on.

Have a funky week and catch you for my Saturday sounds and a genuine giveaway of money.

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