A tale of two parenting styles

42666856-2F08-4C64-8988-9227FC10AD3D.jpegAs a rule, I’m not interested nor willing to engage in ex-husband bashing here or anywhere. While my ex and I were not great partners to each other, we agree that we are pretty good parents. As our Kids get older, however, I can see a rise in conflict between our parenting styles. I very much enjoy having the kids home, chilling out, talking and playing games together. They are each involved in a couple activities: band, art club, Boy Scouts, and Sunday school. To me, this is plenty. I only get these kids for a short amount of time and I want every minute with them. I also think it’s lazy ( I know that sounds backwards) to shuttle the kids from activity to activity every night. To me, that’s not parenting, that’s occupying their time. All kids are different and maybe some kids need that activity to keep them out of trouble. But for my kids, spending time talking to them and understanding what motivates them, playing with them, developing inside family jokes, helping them through heart breaks and triumphs, that’s what raising kids is about.

My ex believes I should be occupying their time with activities because that’s what parenting is. I’m not interested in being the Kids’ Roommate and chauffeur. It’s also a very privileged position to be in.

I’ve included an article below on over scheduling our kids. I’d love to know what your parenting style is. Do your kids need activity or are they homebodies?


Image by pixabay.com

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