The Value of Life And What That Means To Me


Today a baby was born. My good friend and his wife had their fourth child.

The value of life, this life, is valuable, not only to its parents but to me as well. The beginning of a child's life has so many possibilities.

Just think it's like beginning at the starting line of life. What teaching will be taught to direct this baby in the direction he will go?

Will the parents give enough reassurance to give this baby self confidence as he grows to be a man?

I believe self confidence is the foundation of who we are and what we can achieve. Will this baby have that?

Will this baby have the spiritual guidance he will need to stand strong as he faces the difference challenges and disappointments that will come his way?

Will he know the source of his help during his time of triumph? Will he know to appreciate it and be humble as well as thankful for his milestones?

Will this baby have the financial support he will need from birth through college and beyond?

Newness of life is such a joy. This baby is a new life, born today. My prayer for this child that he will grow and live the life that God has for him.

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