The happiness and peace a little rock brings

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My kids and I have stumbled upon a secret to experiencing a little more peace and happiness each day. It's very simple - I'm sure you can do it too! And it won't even cost you any money and hardly any time.

What is this secret to happiness? It's quite simple, just a little rock! I call it my gratitude rock.

My kids and I love to go to the beach, and many times when we go, we'll pick a few rocks that we like. They are not extraordinary looking, they're not precious jewels, but those rocks are special to us because we see something special in each rock - maybe the colors are interesting, maybe the texture particularly smooth, sometimes they have curious shapes. Inevitably, these rocks become extra special to us as reminders of the wonderful times we've had together as a family.

A few days ago, my kids and I each picked out one rock serve as our gratitude rocks. I carry my gratitude rock in my pocket and each time I reach into my pocket and touch my gratitude rock, I think of or say something that I am grateful for. My son said the other day, "I'm grateful for having a nice mom who lets me eat yummy cookies!" 😊 I wouldn't say that's particularly deep or spiritual, but I can definitely say that my son's face brightened up when he made that statement. The act of appreciating something as simple as eating a cookie made him more happy.

Our attitudes are like the lens through which we see and experience the world, and I think the gratitude rocks helps redirect our thoughts towards the things that are good and sweet in our lives so we notice them more.

And the effects of the gratitude rock spreads so that it becomes easier and easier to notice the good things in our lives.

Ever since we picked out our gratitude rocks and started thinking of things to be grateful for, my son has requested to talk about our "best moments of the day" each night before bedtime. No matter how tired I am, I can honestly say that talking about the "highlights of our day" always puts a smile on my face and is a heart-warming way to end the day. 💗


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