Should I become a parent? WISDOM needed....

This is a topic that has been plaguing me for sometime, first because of my age and second because of the desires of my partner. But, ultimately I keep asking myself. Should I become a parent? Am I the "Right" type of person to be a father? To guide and to nurture another human through the ups and downs of life and to provide them with a stable upbringing to thrive later in life, ensure I leave as minimal negative footprint on this individuals life as I possible can......

Here I am in a loving relationship, the ideal and perfect situation. But, yet I find myself constantly questioning my readiness or ability to even consider bringing another human into this world. 

These are the things I ask myself....

Is it my fear speaking? 

Or is it something deeper, that is saying "Stop...stop right now and do not proceed" 

Or am I just literally being fearful of potentially the most beautiful thing I will ever participate in? 

I'd love to know others experiences....did you? do you...feel the same? What did you choose? 

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