Notes On Malleus Maleficarum Part 2

Question 6 of Part 1 Notes


"And Seneca says in his Tragedies: A woman either loves or hates; there is no third grade. And the tears of woman are a deception, for they may spring from true grief, or they may be a snare. When a woman thinks alone, she thinks evil."

"And as to her other mental quality, that is, her natural will; when she hates someone whom she formerly loved, then she seethes with anger and impatience in her whole soul, just as the tides of the sea are always heaving and boiling. Many authorities allude to this cause. Ecclesiasticus xxv: There is no wrath above the wrath of a woman. And Seneca (Tragedies, VIII): No might of the flames or the swollen winds, no deadly weapon, is so much to be feared as the lust and hatred of a woman who has been divorced from the marriage bed.
This is shown too in the woman who falsely accused Joseph, and caused him to be imprisoned because he would not consent to the crime of adultery with her (Genesis xxx)."


There are three types of witches: white, black, and grey. Whites only use their crafts for healing, black only for causing mischief, and grey can use their grafts both for healing as well as mischief.


Shapeshifting occurs through the imagination, men do not actually turn into animals, they are just seen as becoming animals either by themselves, others, or both. The witch circe in The Odyssey was said to have turned men into animals but she did this by making it appear as if they had become animals by affecting the imagination.

Transferring consciousness into animals is mentioned.


It mentions one form of omen watching as observing the words of humans, this reminds me of people who listen to songs for omens which some consider to be a mental illness.


A witch can cause an abortion simply through touching a mothers womb.


A witch can induce envy.


A guy who had committed abuse against women claimed they were demonically possessed, by doing so he managed to avoid jail and instead the women were punished.


A witch causes rain by dipping a broom into the water and by splattering the water into the air with the broom.

A witch uses a waxen image of someone in order to affect the person who the image represents.


A man ascribes an illness he received to the grumbling of a woman who was angry at him following a verbal altercation.[this makes me think seithr/seidr(norse witchcraft) refers to seething emotions].

The glance of a witch, eye to eye, can affect ones mind and judgement.


I mentions mid-wives who intentionally kill babies or cause harm upon them through curses.

Witches can cause hailstorms(there is a hail rune in the futhork).


Through imagining evil befall someone and by focusing the will of the heart upon that they can cause harm to befall someone through telepathic means.DL-FPdbVAAAdnTr.jpg


Weapons enchanted with incantations[this reminds me of runes being inscribed on one of the swords in Beowulf]. It mentions both written chants as well as spoken ones. [many runic inscriptions that have been found are affirmations written in runes]

It mentions crafting images for self-protective purposes

2.2 Introductory Question

A nail is placed through the image of where one wishes to affect whom the image represents.


It mentions a accused witch of saying things like "you will have no more healthy days" "you will soon wish you have lent me such and such thing" "you will soon realize what is going to happen to you". This is called verbal suggestion. [I recall reading something in the book that made me think witches were believed to have used silent mental suggestion as well, mental suggestion is suggesting someone to something in a manner similar to the verbal suggestion however one does it silently with thought alone. There was some Russian parapsychological researches who did experiments into mental suggestion].


"Soon you will wish you had agreed", another example of a menacing verbal suggestion. The man who this was directed to then became disfigured in his face for awhile.


It was reported that it started to hail after a witch spoke an incantation over water.

Part 1 of notes:

My feelings on the witch harassers:

These priests seem to have had some issues regarding females. These men were not doing physical labor, they were just these guys getting paid to play with bells in some monastery and so to keep themselves busy they starting harassing women who were practicing folklore handed down to them. These guys had nothing better to do than to harass women. Maybe they should have got some real jobs.

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