My Real Life Graveyard Ghost Story

Photos are my original photographs of the Cemetery in the story!
The location is Chatham Ontario Canada


This is a 100% true story, and it takes place in a graveyard on the very edge of a very small town in southern Ontario, Canada. One of my friends lives basically right next to it, behind his house is like a small paved path for biking and walking, which leads up to train tracks, to the right is a creek which goes through the cemetery and the trains cross over it on a small train bridge.

One day were walking in the cemetery, there was at least 6 of us, four guys and two girls, all of us in our second year of high school. It was starting to get dark and our friend who lived near buy told us a story about his step-brother and friend seeing something weird while cutting through the cemetery one night. They told him they had just gotten into the graveyard when the train track signals started to go off.. but they saw no train. They said that they were confused but what happened next terrified them and caused them to run away as fast as possible.. They saw a kid all in white walk straight into the creek and disappear underwater without making a ripple or splash.

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I swear to god I have goosebumps writing this, because what happened next was absolutely terrifying and is something none of us have ever forgotten, and it scarred my friend who lived nearby for years.. Just as my friend got done telling the story we heard the train track bells and lights start going off.. but no train. OF course we were freaked out, it's exactly what our friend told us about.. We started running back towards the tracks as fast as we could..

Just when we started to catch our breath as we crossed the tracks near the train bridge we saw him.. a teenage boy all dressed in white, exactly like our friend's story about his step brother. The girls started screaming and the guys started backing up, he just walked toward us silently, he was close enough to grab the girls and they begged him to just say somethng... The boy just said "hi"

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We all started running down the paved trail and when we were halfway home we looked back and didn't see him, so me and one of my friends stopped and went back a few feet to look.. Dude was no lie standing about 30 feet from us facing with his back towards us.. So we ran.. When we looked back he was somehow almost on our tails!

We all wanted to go to my friends but he did not want this kid to know where we lived, so we hopped in my station wagon parked near by and drove away, we had to pass by another entrance to the trail on the way and there was no sign of the kid..

I have many scary stories but this was one of the few that had more than one other witness.


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Please upvote, comment, follow and resteem if you like my story. If I get a positive response I will share some of my other tales which include stories of demon possession. I also solemnly swear this story is 100% true!

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