My Haunted Diary Part 1: New Home New Experiences

Not going into much detail, but I had to move houses at the end of 2012, luckily my grandmother took me in along with my mother. Since the death of my great-grandmother in October of 2012 strange things have been going on. And I have decided to make a diary about it. (For the record there have been two deaths in this house, the most recent being my great-grandmother in 2012)

3rd December 2013

Sat at my computer desk going though my photography and my grandmother in the other room watching TV when the doorbell rang, At this time of the night it was strange because we live in a secluded area and no one is around after a certain time, So a couple of seconds go by and I sat back down and the doorbell rings AGAIN. Where I sit, I can plainly see the door and we have a glass window so it’s easy to see if anyone is outside, there wasn’t, 20 minutes later I realised the doorbell doesn’t even work! So how is it ringing?

15th December 2013 approx 6:30pm

My mother heard footsteps upstairs with her when she got out of the shower, Not long after I felt a tug at my hair. Then at 8:36pm My dog went out of character, Usually when my mother does to bed he’s there for the night all tucked it but he just scarpered to the mirror with his tail in between his legs and ran out of the room..

20th April 2014

Some time has gone by with no activity… But last night as I was walking through the corridor to do to bed I heard footsteps right next to me, it was as though someone brushed past me to get downstairs, and the weird part? It sounded like slippers, And my great-grandmother ALWAYS wore them before she passed away in 2012.

23rd April 2014 approx 11:20am

Literally this happened a few seconds ago, the doorbell rang again! Now we know this is weird because it has NEW batteries and the connections are perfect, weird how everything is starting up again.

28th May 2014

A very weird experience happened today, I just told my mother I was going to make some food and I started to walk to the freezer.. Then I heard her say

“Ohh having food are you?”

It sounded a little bit to close for it to be my mother so I asked her what she just said, she confirmed that she didn’t say anything, The who the hell just talked to me?!

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