Indigo Story Anecdote

I’ve been considering memories of paranormal/psychic experiences to share, mostly things that happened way back in the 1990’s, the earliest part of my conscious awakening (when I started working at it). I was thinking about what I said in another post, “Becoming Psychic” – what it was like when I first started having these experiences. Then I thought of this one, a dance with a solar flare in 2016 that I recorded on my old forum.

At this point I “see” very detailed things when I close my eyes and focus. Also I see a lot of this kind of stuff with my eyes open! But it wasn’t always so.

April 21, 2016:

Something really, really cool to report or describe. The reason I was looking for those old images with the burst of color and similar pattern.

Late last night...I was "working with some issues," (lol. aka sorting out an etheric connection with someone) and I saw something amazing. I went over it again in my mind earlier today. I think I was witnessing a solar, on the etheric plane or energy blueprint of the event as seen within the Earth's (or my) energy grid.

The Earth is shaking and quaking right now.
Trying to find some equilibrium? Or about to get way worse...?

We had a solar flare come at us a few days ago, an M6, I think. Very big...thanks to a pretty gigantic coronal hole in the Sun. I kindof had the feeling it would hit us. But it wasn't a violent, scary ALL. More like, an excited (happy?) but slow motion feeling of anticipation. Then the next day I guess, I got on my computer and I saw that it just missed, according to the media.

I watched this HUGE ball of energy...sort of dance. Warp and squirm. I wasn't sure what it was that I was seeing at first. I was looking at the radar screen in my head, with the grid hatch lines all over. Pure energy images. The Earth or target point was on my left in my field of vision, this GIGANTIC flare or ball of energy came from the upper right, moving downward. It seemed to slow down as it got close and sort of round itself into a ball, from the front of it. Tail streaming out behind in a wide swath. I watched the colors inside, you could see through it...the blending and on the outside, blue inside and the yellow/gold spark kind of small but intense, deep inside toward the front...maybe the will of the flare? (Note, the colors have reordered themselves, maybe a correction or healing of some kind? and blue have traded places). Anyway. It gently ...nuzzled up sort of and just kissed the Earth. WOW.

So if I've got this right...hurling CME's are now becoming conscious enough to control their course and impact?

Anyway, it was truly beautiful. THIS is one of the main reasons I've managed to stick to this work for so many years...all of the amazing things I have witnessed.

  • Taken from FreedomCrowsNest forum, We’re Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto.
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