Paragliding is like an airplane right? FAR 103 Regulations say yes. So I need an instrument panel! Look what I made last night.

The highest you are legally allowed to fly above sea level on a paraglider is 17,999 AMSL. If you fly one foot higher you cross into illegal airspace based on FAR 103.

AMSL=Above Means Sea Level.

On a good day this is very possible. By the way, if you ever see a post where paraglider pilots say that they flew up to 17,999...They went higher than that.

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image credit to @captainobviou3 first paraselfie

  • Something else to think about is that when you get up around 14K, you will need oxygen.

  • Not only that, but the temp drops based on the laps rate.
    If the temperature when you left the ground was 70 degrees F, and the laps rate was 3.5, the temps at 17,999 would be around 10 Degrees F! (hope you have some gloves and a nice warm clothes)

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Image credit to wiki

I need to know a few things when I am in the air.

  • One thing I need to know is am I going up, or down.
    Its very difficult when you don't have a reference point. The instrument that we use for this is called a variometer. There are many different types of variometer on the market. The iPhone 6s has a built in barometer and so my phone can become a variometer with a little app. (Theres an app for that)

  • The other important thing I need to know when I am in the air is my altitude. (This is particularly important if you are flying and you end up getting sucked into a cloud)...Happens... Its also good to know how high you are so you don't end up getting hit by another aircraft.

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Fly sky high app takes what you phone can do already and gives you all this information.
I will do a post on all the things it can do and do a steemit review once I wrap my mind around how it works.

Enough of that stuff...Look at what I am working on...


There is a company that makes these phone holders called RAM. I got one for around $50.00 USD. I found a few adapters on amazon, and figured out a way to use some GoPro mounts to attach my phone to my paraglider riser.



  • No doubt there will need to be a tether attached to something if this thing comes off the clip. So I will add that before I try it out.


Clips to my riser and swivels in and out in the even that its in the way. Hope this inspires!

  • Total cost is around $100.00 USD App included.

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