The God of Physics


God, they say, created the laws of the universe, and is a just god. So, He follows those laws to the letter. While there are fields, energies, and aspects of the universe we are yet to understand, it stands to reason that God follows the physical laws we do, religiously. That kinda excludes the concept of a fuzzy-faced toga-clad Old Guy in the Sky, and sorta brings us to Pantheism, or something like it.

Like most folks, I was exposed to church as a child, and so discussed religion and God with true believers more than once. One thing I remembered and live by still to this day, is the idea that if you thank the cook for the meal, you have thanked God already. That is what the God of Physics means to me.

The eyes reading this post are the eyes of God, and the fingers typing it are on the hands of God. My understanding of Pantheism is that concept: the universe is God, and all things are His will in action, from the light of distant stars, to you and yours.

If creation was authored by a being that crafted the laws of physics, what kind of person would make laws for everyone else they don't follow themselves? I'm not convinced that God is some sort of politician (folks that make laws for everyone else). I wouldn't do it.

No one good would.

That being said, spoopy things happen. There's no denying it. We all have experienced premonitions, prophesied, or gotten a call from someone we hadn't heard from in a long time, just when we were thinking of them. There are avenues of reality we remain unable to explain, and information is somehow able to traverse spacetime in a way matter seems not to be able to.

Maybe that's all the miracles we need.

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