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Episode Fourteen

We drove to Togo for the mission. We went to book a hotel.
"Mike are you sure you can do this, you know the risk involve. I don't want any harm to befall you" a worried looking Vera asked
"Relax, I will do my best" I said
At 10pm Togo time I left Vera in the hotel and I went to the coast. I took the speed boat which was also having the jetski. In my tight swim wear I start sailing on the sea.

I moved for like 20 miles then I took out the map. From a distance I spotted the ship coming.
With waterproof bag I left the speed boat and jumped into the sea and started swimming towards the ship. I had to swim for close to 20 minutes to get to the ship on the sea which was fast approaching Togo port. I managed to go inside at last.
I tiptoe to the very container Vera described to me. It was containing two cars. I tried to get in and truly the parcel of cocaine was in there. I took the parcels and put them in the waterproof bag.
The ship was having security but not as tight as I anticipated.

But when I was coming out if the container I met one of the securities moving around.
He shouted "Hey" before he could get closer I jumped from the high height straight into the sea. He spoke in a foreign language and sounded the emergency alarm in the ship. I heard guns been fired at all directions. I continued swimming till I get to the boat.
I got in and speed off. about 20 miles I stopped, took out the jetski from the boat and set the boat on fire on the sea.

I moved on with the jetski. I got left the jetski also on the sea and swim back to the shore.
I changed into a new clothes and by 1am Togo time I was in the hotel.
I went straight to the room Vera was at and placed the bag before her
"There you have it, problem solved" I said
"Wooow, Mike you really did this. How did you do it?" She said as she open the bag to inspect the package.
"We have little time, we must leave now" I said

We packed the few things we brought and left the hotel immediately. We got back to our car at the border and didn't waste time we fled away back to Ghana.
We got to Accra around 6am.
I was soo tired and exhausted I had a warm bath in the house of Vera and slept.
I woke up feeling refreshed, when I got downstairs Vera had prepared food for me. She invited me to join her at the table.
"Micheal I'm soo grateful for the help. You saved my ass and forever will be glad" She said
"You are welcome, I told I will do it. I hope there is no more risk coming" I said
I had a call from Eunice, I told her I will see her later.

I went home right after eating.
To stop Katherine from suspecting or talking I called her to come.
She came right away .
"Baby you are back" She asked
"Yes I told you I will be back soon" I replied
"So how was the trip?" She asked
"Very stressful thank God I can have some rest now, I miss you" I replied
"Awww miss you too, my mum says hi" She said
"Oh talking about your mum, I'm planning of going to do your knocking and taking your list for the bride price.

So please when you go home tell mum to see your uncles and prepare your list. I will come for it so u prepare for the real marriage" I said
"What, is this one of your jokes?" She asked with a smile
"Hell no, I want to be with you for life and even after death. You are the best to happen to me" I said
"Awww, I love you sweetness" she said with a kiss on my lips.

I went back to the hotel where Eunice was to inform her that I have gotten a place for her finally and thus she will very moving there the next day.
From there I went to see the parent of Abena. Very unusual Abena didn't give me her infectious smile.
"Micheal welcome" Abena's mum said with a smile
"Thanks mum, I miss my little girl so had to pass by. I haven't been going to the shop lately and considering the fact that she's left with two weeks to go to school I have to come and see her before anything else" I said

"Hmmm your little girl these days don't speak with anyone. She don't smile and she looks angry all the time. I hope now that you are here you will find out what is wrong with her" She said.
I called Abena to follow me me to my car.
"I am the cause our unhappiness right?" I asked
"I don't want to talk about it" She replied
"I couldn't have fucked you there because that lady was around, I love you and want to protect you. We will still have another opportunity for that I promise" I said
This brought some smile back to her face.
With her smiling face I held her hand back to her mother.

To be Continued..

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