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Episode Four

With a choky voice I said "Hello"
"Hello sorry to interrupt your sleep, this is Katherine please whom am I speaking with?" She asked
"Eerm this is Mike, Micheal the guy you met earlier today at the mobile money shop. I was calling to check up on you then so you can equally get my contact" I said
"Oh Micheal!, sorry I was busy in the kitchen cooking. I just finished with what I was doing" she said

"Okay that's nice, guess we will have to speak tomorrow then because it's late" I said
"We are already in tomorrow" She said laughing
"Hahaha okay madam, then later in the day, good morning and sound sleep"
"Haha good morning" she said and dropped the line

I was at the shop in the morning the next day as usual when a little girl brought a pack of Waakye. She said sister Katherine said she should bring it to me.
I thank the little girl and called back Katherine and she confirmed that yes she gave the Waakye to the little girl. I thank her for her generosity and promised to call her when she close.
I called her in the afternoon and she told me she was in the house. I was beginning to like her but was cautious so I don't end up driving her away instead. I like women and have seen a lot in the past, but her beauty and sense of humor is one thing I find intriguing about her.

I asked when will it be cool to meet her and she told me she is only free on weekends, that is Friday, Saturday and Sundays. Even with the weekends it Is conditional.
We schedule to meet on Saturday at the beach.
She came looking classy and tasty.
I was mesmerized with the size of her Ass, whole body shape and boobs, I knew they were round and big but what I am seeing now is far beyond my expectation because for the first time I am seeing her in shorts and sneakers. Soo much hair was on her legs and wrist. With her white teeth and sparkling blue eye my heart beat anytime she smile smile and look at me.

She caught me looking at her chocolate skin hairy thigh.
"Why are you looking at me like that? " She said sipping her Coke with the straw
"Eerm nothing much, I wasn't looking at what you think I am looking at" I said smiling
"Hahaha, so now tell me why did you want to see me, I am here now tell me what you want to say" she said
"Nothing really, I just want us to be good friends" I said
"Mmm is that all you want?" She asked back looking straight into my eye
"Yes, that's all I want" I lied

"Hahaha, men!, well what do I also need to know about you?" She asked
"Hmmm, I am a graduate, I was once a military officer. I resigned to start my own business and pursue my dreams. That's all I can say about myself for now. Whatever you need to know will come as we move along" I said
She quickly looked at my muscle and laughed.
"What about you is the waakye joint for you?" I asked

"Haha why do you ask?" She asked back.
"Typical Ghanaian huh!, answering questions with questions. I least expect you to answer what I asked you first before asking yours" I said
"Hahaha oh my God Mike, you are soo funny. Well that's Ghana people for you. No the joint is for my mum. I am just helping her to sell" she said
"Woow, with how beautiful and endowed you are few will expect that every morning you will by the roadside selling waakye. Come to think of it could it be a selling strategy you and you mum developed?.

Because you are beautiful people will buy your food soo quick especially guys. Some will come purposely to have a glimpse of you but will cover it up by buying waakye" I said
"Hahahaha look at you, I just love to sell. It is why I didn't bother to continue my education after secondary school. I went to learn how to make pastries and do decoration. I do get offers almost every weekend for weddings, parties and funeral for pastries and catering in general" she said
"Wooow business minded, you must be rich" I said jokingly
"Hahaha, not yet but I will be" she replied laughing.

We had a good time at the beach together. When it was getting late, we took a taxi back home. I made the driver dropped her first before sending me to my house.
From that day we became good friends. I call her almost everyday.
A week later, I fell sick. I went to the hospital and I was told it was malaria.

I was given medication. I told her I was not feeling well. She came to my house for the first time that evening with chicken light soup.
I tried to eat little, my temperature was high and I was feeling cold as well.
As difficult as it was I tried taking my bath. After I took my drugs and went to lie down on my bed. She came to sit by me.
I didn't know how and when I slept.
I woke up around 3am the next day only to find Katherine sleeping by me.

To be Continued.....

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