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Episode Two

We did our best but our best was just not enough. We were sent back to Accra and they brought in another men.
The conflict escalated because of the gruesome murder of the king.
I was in my room one hot after when our general sent for me. I quickly rush to his office to find out the reason behind the urgent again.
When I got to his office he was looking soo serious and furious.
I saluted before saying" You called for me Sir"
"Why did you kill the king?" The general said
"Excuse me Sir, I don't understand sir" I replied

" I said why did you kill the overlord of Bimbilla? " He asked back screaming.
"I still don't understand, I know the king was killed in fact we tried our best to find the killers but then it became necessary for us to leave for another team to take over that's all I can say and remember sir" I said
"Bullocks!, here the autopsy report forwarded to my desk indicated that the bullet that shot the king actually came from your riffle, I mean your weapon I demand answers now or you face the martial court" The general said placing a file before me furiously.

I was shocked to the bone when I glanced through the document.
"Sir I swear I know nothing about this, what happened was that before we were deployed I exchanged my weapon with Vanessa. In fact the day the news broke that someone has shot the king we were together. I don't know how it all happened Sir" I said with almost tears
"You what?, You gave your gun to someone else like seriously?, this is unprofessional.

Crap, totally crap. You don't do that as a soldier. Now this is the problem you have caused the Ghana army because of your stupidness. It is a very big issue on our hand. Your silly mistake is dragging the credibility of the military into something else" The military general said
"I didn't do it sir...." I said
"Well investigation is still on going but before then. This is your letter. You are on indefinite suspension until investigation are done. You are a good soldier Micheal but you messed up. This is the best I could do for you. They had wanted to put you behind bars or hand you over to the police as we investigate but you have been useful to this unit ever since you joined 3 years ago" He said.

I couldn't believe my ears.
"Sir.... sir you can't do this to me I am innocent" I said.
"I'm sorry Mike you will have to leave my office" the general said.
I took the letter and left in tears.
I went to Vanessa's flat to check her out but she was no where to be found. I tried all her lines but they were off.
Joining the military was my childhood ultimate wish. I missed out joining the forces after secondary school but had the opportunity to do that after my first degree.
It was just 3 years after i joined the Ghana Armed forces and I am finding myself in this trouble.

I packed my few belongings at the barracks and left to my private rented apartment.
I was a confused man because when I look back at the responsibilities at home I am to take care of and losing my job at this crucial point I can only pray for that miracle to happen so the whole truth about the murder of the king will come out.
Telling my parent in the village that I have been suspended from the military was not an option here.
That will make matters worse because I am the only bread winner of the family.
I drunk my heart out the whole of the week. Sometimes my mind tells me to end it all by committing suicide but then again dying will never solve the problems either.
The only option is to use my first degree in Computer science engineering to get a job as soon as possible.

I distributed my CV and letters to some selected companies hoping for a call up for an interview but non came.
When I realized I was waiting in vain I thought of using the little money I was able to save to start a small business.
The idea was to get a container for mobile money and sales of airtime behind the toll booth in my area.
I was expecting that some of the main media houses will publish my dismissal from the military since it is a sensitive matter. But for four weeks I didn't hear any reportage on that.

Jogging is part of me and I do that almost every weekend. Climbing the hills and running to burn some fat and keep my muscle in shape.
One Saturday morning while returning from my usual jogging I found myself right in front of the hottest waakye joint in my hood.
A lady was there with a taxi about to take out the waakye from the taxi to the shop.
From a distance I saw how difficult it was for the taxi driver whom I suspect to be in his 50s to help the lady move out the heavy pan of waakye.

I rushed there with my sweating body. I was just in my singlet and a track suit down.
I lifted the whole pan to the shelve it is supposed to be placed.
I saw how surprise the young beautiful lady was. Her eyes stuck on my body
"Thank you soo much dear, you came right on time" She said
I smiled and said" You are welcome"
I started walking back to the direction I came from.
"Eerm excuse me please, do you care for some waakye? I'm giving it to you for free just to show appreciation for the help you just gave us" she said

To be Continued......

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