The Bearded Man


Category#mindfullife, #photography, #photocircle #life
SettingsISO 4000 35 mm f/3.5 1/500
CameraSony α 7 r ii
LensCanon FD 35mm f 1/3.5
LocationAurangabad, Maharastra - India

The Bearded Man

In this publication I am going over one out of 3 accounts of mysterious encounters with individuals, I described in akashic records. The one in akashic records being the 3rd. I gave him a fictional name 'Tata'. I shall reveal more about him as I continue my next episodes.

In the last post, there's an attempt to explain various approaches to Sanskrit words like Vidya, Gian, Gunas, Dhyana, Kevalam and Chaitanya. With an approach to conveying an essence in formulating axioms and questioning them, we delved into exploring ones own limits of the conceivable. The idea is to question all origins of knowledge and thought by isolating any idea from the whole to find out what part it is. Through seeing the unaccompanied, alone or 'Kevalam' one can work towards achieving an understanding beyond the common. Our 'Gunas' come from somewhere because we learn and are a part of human society along with derivatives of traditions, culture and common definitions of what might have been agreed upon through observation and reasoning. 'Vidya' or education helps us to reason. Information we learn about is 'Gian'. To take into account that these could have originated anywhere, one can therefore explore the extend of ones knowledge. Knowledge as bondage is called 'Gunam Bandanam'. With words such as Vidya(educated to reason), Gian (knowledge that is heard or learned), Gunas(attributes, traits or agreed concept or ideas), Dhyana(paying attention because learning never stops) gives a path to understand what enlightenment or it's attainment means. I am not enlightened in any way, shape or form but a striving mind on a journey. As a Bodhicitta speaking to a hive mind, I would like to share more...

We are Microbial Hosts

Take for instance the adaptability example of extremophiles in microbial lifeforms. Because we learn, we don't know but are trying to pay attention to something that is constantly moving. Like a tree that tries to reach the sun, life strives for light, yet the tree attains it's motion through being nourished by it. Complex mechanisms are at work as the tree also is a part of the whole ecosystem with inner mechanisms. It is often forgotten that as water is in the air, and we consist mostly of it and are surrounded by tiny micro organisms that live on us and within us, our whole being merges with these workings. Such as Microbes that also make up a large part of who we are down to a cellular and molecular level. Some microbes have molecular and cellular structural components that respond illicitly via signalling pathways. We are at the debut of understanding what constitutes to metabolic activity in the gut through complex colonies that make up our Biome. Microbes have evolved on various planets for billions of years. As science dives deeper into Eukaryotic cells and the mechanics involved in the complexity of cellular communication, I will leave microtubules, consciousness, biomes and a cosmically entangled grid for another post. I find it significant not to separate in seeing my body as host to an alien life form, but to imagine profound connectedness.


In my previous post, I mentioned an artist named Kevin. A person with highly radiant energy, a true artist and Buddhist who made me remember stories from my ancestors and from family members that had profound metaphorical implications in my life. Almost a physical superhuman, Kevin had also inspired me to become much more than that, as a young person striving towards dreams and ambitions. (The Buddha in the Artist)

The following is:

A bearded Wise Man who seemed to know everything about how the universe works.

Lastly I will write about my encounter with a Shaolin monk who looked at me and seemed to know everything about me, my physical state, conveyed profound tranquility and prudence. I will then continue these series of posts with season 2 and season 3. While this is ongoing I will reveal some intriguing facts about our blockchain hive mind.


This post is dedicated to the #mindfullife community, #naturalmedicine and the SGM (Steem Group Meditation) hosted by @riverflows and guided by @bewithbreath. It is really where I sprung out of and the family that gave me roots, and awakened yang. Dedicated to Mindful Mondays, the previous and coming posts are related to mysterious experiences, strange encounters and phenomena that I will attempt to explain as rationally and non-esoterically as possible. I will try to find out why we are here on the Steem Blockchain and why the choice to be here is so important to someone like me and maybe also to you. Well, I am here because of you, because you are reading this. So this is less about me, it's about you. I chose to be somewhat anonymous as I can be as intriguing and vigilant as I like and represent a character people can associate with, rather than a specific person. Also because my posts are intended to share positive and uplifting energy permeating from a corner of this blockchain hive mind. You might have summoned me and I might be a product of your imagination, as everything might? As post are distributed with timestamps on immutable ledgers, ideas are shared in a new age of liberty, where we are being formed and shaped by this experience. So much content by evolved Steemian individuals is extremely valuable and some go way beyond a monetary price tag. I am glad that many will be able to associate with the true value that we can create together. For someone who likes to read, write, share, it's like connecting to a grid of infinitely abundant landscapes of knowledge, vision and creating means to a newer, braver world.

Deviating from Set Paths

In 1996, one of my uncles from the US suggested us to go to a persons place named Dr. Koli while my family was visiting India. I took my sketchbook with me so I wouldn't feel bored and kept erasing until I experimented with a new style of lettering. As I kept making sharp corners, I wanted to make more rounded and circular shapes and conceptualising a typography while sticking to a typeface. Dr. Koli walked through to the room and I saw him taking a peak at what I was doing. I was told that he is spiritually evolved, some guru, fortune teller and spiritual advisor to families that pay tribute to him for his advice. As I often had dreams that would manifest the next day and I was maybe 12, 13, I viewed it more as a challenge to find out his secret. Apart from the fact that he also accepted good whiskey as a gift, I found that strange man dubious and contemplated about his true agenda. At the same time he bore a special aura and had a way to captivate his devotees.

Finally my parents, brother and sister were given audience and were invited to a special chamber in the doctors presence. Decorated with hanging cloths and pillows, we sat on a granite tiled cold floor that was cushioned in the middle and soft. There was a scent in the room that made me tired and I felt this deja vu mood. He told me to dip a piece of paper in water, put it in a book and began to tell me and my parents my future. I listened... I was very sceptical, even if everything else he said made perfect sense and he really had some serious skills in whatever it was he was doing. Intrigued by it, I didn't want to accept that I could not control my faith and that everything was destined. It felt like being Neo, meeting the oracle in the matrix, only what baffled my mind was to challenge the deterministic events that would occur within the frame of what he had laid out for me. Later, after returning to Switzeland, I met (The Buddha in the Artist). It was as if listening to him that very day was my answer to whether Dr. Koli or what he had predicted really had power over what was going to happen or not. Meeting Kevin was sort of like meeting morpheus and I also drew a strange painting while later(it shows embryos on a field(like the matrix but before the movie cane out):


Out of the Row

In 1999 I returned back to India on a summer vacation with my parents. Not knowing what further study programs I would pursue in Switzerland after returning from California, I was deterred by educational opportunities available for me at the time. I wanted to go to an art school, which wasn't accepted or academic enough to my parents, specially to my mother. During that summer I experienced New Delhi from a very different perspective. Actively engaging with locals in the neighbourhood and discovering recreational activities, language courses, computer classes, dance, fitness and much more, I told my parents I was staying. Shocked at first, they asked me what I was going to do and where I was going to live. I mentioned one of my uncles vacant apartment, which I had convinced him to provide. I also spoke about an additional IT course that I would enrol next to french, salsa and some other courses. Shortly before my family flew back, I literally ended up ditching the plane and staying back. I bought a cycle through the help of my dad with good gear to commute. It was a blessing, because I could regularly visit my Dad's Father. An atheist, who was a libertarian, philosopher, writer(founder of frontline magazine in India), Attorney, French teacher, had a large library and is also probably one of the reasons why I found my way here. He also happened to be a more modern thinker than many people I meet today when it comes to issues such as gender equality or contradictions of the so called civilised in the practice and persuasion of ultimate truth dogmas or the opposing revolutionary opposites. I admired him for his intellect and vision. My mothers father is a photographer that recently passed away.


The Elephant at the Signal

Every Tuesday on my way to Alliance Française de Delhi, I would often get stuck at a red light next to an elephant. Yes, you read right. A huge friendly giant and I was always excited to see her every Tuesday. She began to recognise me and I always felt so much joy. It was as if she knew that. I came much closer to her one day and gave her a bunch of bananas. She basically just swallowed it and it felt like she was smiling. The owner who was riding her, didn't really like me doing that. I happened to get some saliva on my head from her trunk almost every time I saw her after those bananas, which felt like a blessing even tho I usually showered before going to my french class. But hey, I got some free elephant gel to style my hair for a french class filled with cute Indian ladies...

I also saw monkeys, cows, donkeys pulling vegetable buggy's, made friends with stray dogs and experienced a synergy between animals and humans that was very exotic to me and unchartered space. Since I was a small boy, the animals roaming freely part really fascinated me about India. Specially then, I really began to love this part of an Indian experience and what was about to happen...

Salsa Class

I took up a salsa class at a place called green park at the Spanish cultural center. The Salsa class was taught by a person named Puja. The class was mixed with people of all ages. People kept joining, older, younger and quite mixed. An older man joined the third class. On one day I didn't cycle there, but went on foot. It was the fourth class. After class the older man walked out a couple of seconds before me and I tried catching up with him. He didn't look back, but stopped as if he noticed something. I caught up with him and he turned around while I was literally 2 meters behind him. He said : Hello (my name). Maybe my name had dropped once during the two classes we had together. The man had a beard, looked very spiritual (like a Saddhu). His english was polished, he seemed well decorated, intelligent and to be a very educated person. His name is 'Druv' which means constant or immovable. I began our conversation with something random and it immediately turned into my atheist approach to rationality and religion, so we switched to science, physics and cosmology. I asked him about superstitious beliefs of the occult, esoteric and hinduism. He began to metaphorically deliver one analogy after another to explain Logarithmic Scale of size mass, began talking about Planck, Maxwell, Newton and comparing it to advancements in Hindu cosmology known far before western societies. He named Indian mathematicians and remained extremely rational in his allotment of what he truly believed in. It seemed like he had an answer to everything. He even mentioned quantum entanglement, before I had ever even heard of it. Before the conversation switched, he was explaining why certain gods had a pitchfork and some a robe and what that metaphorical meaning was related to the universe, scale and our perception of it. Two hours later and after having the feeling that this man had every possible answer to all questions in the universe, I began to ask him what the meaning of karma is. I listened....

Once I got my answer I asked myself : 'that's it?'
I didn't think ‘big deal’ , but it was a rather simple analogy and I guess I expected more. What it really meant only came to me much later and still continues to baffle me.

He said: If you drive a car, that's an action(karma) and if I drive with you I share the consequence with you, which is c02 emission. If you were to travel in a bus, you would share it with all the bus passengers. The driver is doing the action or karma and the passengers are a part of it. Your specific karma is shared with the passengers, but you are still a part of the whole bus riding action, shared by all people riding a bus generally or that very moment. If you could decide otherwise and your awareness of questioning whether you can, that consciousness related to the action is your karma.
So I derived: If my consciousness is not limited to whether an action is right or wrong, or whether others are doing it because it's a common and accepted action in society, I might be aware of a choice. If given parameters within the frame work of human societies allow for certain accepted ethical conduct, it can still go against my morals? If that choice is a unique choice based on an evolved moral code, the question is what we should all do as a species. What if that choice has no limitations or is constrained by given rules within human boundaries of thought and actions? Is why I am doing it because I am human and a part of human society? Am I morally constrained? In how many actions am I subjective? What if morality has no limitation? If I could ride a cycle instead of driving a car, would I do it to save c02 emission? What if I never learned what c02 emission is? How many actions do I commit because others are and because we all regard them as common ?
He also said: What all humans do as a whole, you being part of it is dharma, but you can also have your own dharma, which he termed as path. In Buddhism Dharma is the path for humanity as a whole to attain enlightenment or evolve as a species. Evolutionary or ascending into the next form.

Many years later I realised what 'Druv' really meant. Today I picture that I deviated from my path and did something so far out of the ordinary, that it shaped me and put me on a path of searching for answers. I am getting clues and recently a lot more, which is why I am writing these series of posts. If through such encounters, books that interest me or simply by stating a subject of interest that sparked my attention or that of my counter part, I might have decided to walk that path? You might have decided to read this? This might spark another debate about faith, destiny or Determinism, Compatibilism and Libertarianism? As I continue, I will elaborate...

Weather we are stuck to the ground with roots grasping for light or are free to move is everyones own choice to make, as much as being stuck in groupthink.


This is a sketch I made after a dream and it is not druv, but a mix between him and another spiritual mystic from the himalayas

Category#mindfullife, #photography, #photocircle #life
ToolsPencils, color pencils, markers
Typequick sketches

" If you will not always win, you will not always loose "- Dhruv

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