The Good The Bad & The Fugly (Steem is which one?)

seems legit fugly

also seems legit good

say it ain't so bad

I know there is no way of guessing what these itty-bitty rogue actors in the grand scheme of global economics will do, but the magic 8 ball shakes are fun to look at. Crypto is basically still in gestation, I suppose one could argue it's been born, but it's definitely still a nursing infant at best IMHO.

Speculation is just that so don't sell the farm or do anything crazy based off some charts, vibes, words on the interweb or planets in retrograde.

Obviously nobody outside of our little experimental ecosystem knows what's really going on here. The potential cannot be seen from the observer tapping on the glass of our steem aquarium, but then again potential means fuck all.

I was potentially talented enough to be a major league baseball player but unlike two of my peers that did become pros I lacked the fortitude. So forget potential, focus on persistence ! Enduring the naysayers and washing your hands of the haters is the path. This is more general life advice sprinkled with some cautiously optimistic hope for our underdog crypto. Thank your coach with whatever you can think of..

Yesterday steem was ranked 80th and while that's disheartening I'm not fighting the reality of a niche coin valued at a quarter. The silver linings are that at least it's not an over-evaluation and there are actually good things happening here that might lead to a valid and sustainable price increase. If btc has another correction coming which is likely and steem continues it's correlation with the whims of its btc boss daddy we might see some super cheap steem. If that's a steal or the end of the line for you is entirely dependent on your steem dreams. I can't imagine anyone left here that doesn't see the big picture, so dime steem might look pretty sexy to you too.

Makes me wonder how a scot token will hold up in the face of a very slim steem ?

Also one must consider the implications of the stinc programmatic monthly sell, look it's complicated and we're about to have some big changes that will be, hmm, interesting...🤔 Keep your chins up and roll with the punches.. IMG_1824.JPG

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